chapter 1

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Special's p.o.v

I got up out of my bed felling horrible. I had puffy eyes and a runny nose. I've been crying all night I didn't sleep at all. My boyfriend had just broke up with me and I haven't been taking it well. I have no one to help me my mom is leaving for two months  my sister moved out and my friends are all at camp I would of went but I was to down. I walked in the bath room and looked in the mirror. I looked awful. I turn on the sink and started bushing my teeth. When I was done I went back to my room sat on my bed and grabbed my phone. I looked at it and sighed to the fact that I don't wake up to my boyfriend text messages any more. I threw my phone on the bed and walked to my closest. I pulled out a cute outfit. Even tho I'm not impressing anyone I still got to hide my depression. I laid my outfit on the bed and took a shower. When I got out I put on my clothes and freshed up myself. I put on a little makeup and some jewelry. I walked down stairs to see my mom cooking breakfast.

"hey special you want some breakfast" she said

"no I'm good"

"that was a trick question you know of course ur gonna eat"

"but I'm not hungry" I lied

My mom put down the pan and walked up to me.

"special sweetie I know your going through a tough time with ur breakup but you've got to get over it. Its been two weeks let him go and come and eat its good for u" she said while looking me straight in the eye. I knew she was right I've got to get over it. I sighed and nodded my head she smiled and handed me a plate with pancakes bacon and eggs. I sat at the table and started to eat. I was really hungry and the food was really good. I chowed it down got up and put my plate in the sink. I walked back upstairs and grabbed my phone and ran back down and headed out the door. I was taking a walk to my usual spot. The pond. Nobody knows in come here not even my best friends. I started coming here since I moved to L.A. I was pretty down that day cause we moved so I took a walked and found it. I come here every time in down or sad. When I got to the pond I smiled cause it looked brand new. The flowers had grown there were lily pads in the water and the grass smelled soo good. I walked to the pond and kneeled down and sat on my legs. I looked around and breathed in the scents of the air I never wanted to leave. After 20mins of sitting there my phone rang. It was my mom.

Phone covo

Special- hello

Mom- special sweetie where are u?

Special- I'm at the park why?

Mom- I need you to come home I have to talk to u.

Special- ok I'm on my way.

Mom- alright bye.

End of convo

I hung up the phone and went home. As soon as I got home I saw my mom with a worried look on her face and a boy sitting on the couch.

"mom wats going on" I asked

"special I have some bed news she said sounding concerned.

"what, what is it" I said scared.

"well I'm leaving today"

"what I thought u was leaving next month."

" I thought so to but my job called and said i have to spend three months instead of two."


"they said its extra business and its more money special so I took it. I'm so sorry special.

I started to cry so she pulled me into a hug and let me cry on her shoulder. She was leaving for three months. She pulled out of the hig and held my shoulders looking me straight in the eye. She took a quick look at the boy sitting down then back at me.

"special" she started "I...... Uh..... I got u a.....babysitter"she finally said.

"what are u crazy!!!!" I shouted.

"shhhhhhh special calm down its ok it's just u just went through a break up and u been down so i don't trust u by urself. So my friend's son is going to be watching u for the next three months.

She motioned the boy to come near us. He was a little bit taller than me and he had a huge afro. He had on a black muscle t-shirt that had the word misfits on it and white jeans with black dr.martins. He was cute but i still hated him cause he was my babysitter. My mom took her hands off my shoulder and steped back.

"special this is Jacob" she started "Jacob this is special".

"special he is ur babysitter".

"hey" he said

"hi"I said nervously.

"oh god i have to catch my flight or in gonna miss it " my mom said while looking at her watch and pocking her bags up.

"alright bye mom"

"bye Ms. White"jacob said

"bye jacob and bye sweetie I'll call u when i get there okay."


As soon as she left i closed the door. Well she's gone now not to long until she's fully gone then I'll have nobody.   

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