Fallen Angel [Mindless Behavior - Prodigy Love Story]

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Heaven. The golden gates. The home of God himself. The place of eternal life. My home. I am dead yet alive. Here in Heaven we live in peace and harmony with each other safe from all harm from the ones who want to deliberately hurt us - for example - the dark angels.  They live to cause pain and misery - even to those who don't deserve it. Sometimes they prey on angels like me so we stay alert at all times while continuing to live in harmony.

Every angel has their story. Most of them come from struggle but overcome it to walk into Heaven. My story has been written with struggle in every chapter until I 
received a sign that I needed to change my ways before it was too late. So that is what I did. Day by day I challenged myself to better than the day before then one day I had reached my goal. I was a much better person. Then the unexpected happened...I was killed. I was certain that my whole life of sin would cast me straight to Hell but the light was a bright white. I couldn't believe it. There before me stood Gabriel behind a podium with a large book on it. 

He smiled at me. "Rose Victoria Jefferson," He spoke as he skimmed a page on the book,"You have overcome great obstacles. God is pleased with you and is allowing you to enter a world of eternal life." My eyes began to water, never in my life did I think Heaven would be my home. I've always been told different. The big golden gates behind him slowly opened exposing fluffy white clouds. I could hear children laughing and birds chirping. "Welcome home." He said, I nodded before making my way into my new home. It was a scene straight out of a movie - everything you could hope for. Everyone dressed in all white but no ones clothing looked the same. 

A woman that looked like she was in her 30's walked up to me. She had brown hair and a pretty smile. Her wings were big but they appeared custom made for her. "Welcome!" She greeted me. "I'm Charlotte and I'll be helping you since you're new. Let's go get you properly attired." I looked down at myself to see I was wearing a plain white robe. I did as told and followed her into a small building. Inside there was white clothing on all racks and a three way folded mirror on the back wall. "Here you will be able to choose your Angel Attire. No one has the same robe." A small smile appeared on my face. Shopping in Heaven? Nice. I skimmed the racks hoping for something to catch my eye and it did. A white gown with gold trimming and a skinny gold belt around the waist was my first and final choice. 

I put on the gown and stepped in front of the mirror were Charlotte was waiting on me. "Perfect." She beamed. She informed me that I would now get my wings. I was so nervous that it would be painful but she assured me it would only be a slight discomfort. Charlotte stepped behind me and placed her hands on my shoulder blades. I felt a tingly sensation then a weird and unexplainable feeling. I watched in the mirror as two white wings appeared on my back, I was astonished at my own reflection. From then on I knew this wasn't a dream but one tragic day I would soon be snapped into reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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