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I find myself twisting and turning on my bed, restless as ever. I turn and gander at the clock, its 3a.m.

I mull over on when all my sleepless nights will ever come to an end. I take a deep breathe and rise from my bed, headed downstairs to get a glass of milk from the fridge. I miss a step and trip bruising my big toe, 'Damn It'. I exclaimed. I limp to my drawer and fetch a first aid kit to dress the wound. Finally done, I open my fridge and not surprising I had run out of milk. 'Fuck'. I exclaimed.

Walking back up the stairs, so downcast like a baby that was deprived of his mothers breasts, I try to soothe myself and go back to sleep, but to no avail. I lay on my bed reminiscing the good old days when I once loved another.

You must be wondering why all my sleepless nights and continuous rants to myself, well for a better grasp of the picture, I have to start the story from the very beginning.

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