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Gunfire began to ring out. I quickly flipped back and slam the metal door closed. I felt the bullets thump into the door. My heart was beating so fast. I took a deep breath.
I pulled out a smoke bomb. I threw the door open and threw the bomb. The bomb landed onto the floor and smoke was instantly sprayed out. I pulled down my Vision Glasses and turned them the Smoke Mode. Now I could see through the smoke.
I ran to my friends. I grabbed Ken. He gasped. I put a finger to my lips. He made a relived sigh. I unlocked his handcuffs. He hugged me. I grinned and hugged him back. Then I unlocked Robin's. He nodded a thanks and began helping me unlock the others.
I waved my hand for them to follow me. The smoke was going away now. We needed to be quick.
I threw another smoke bomb at the wall. It bounced off, creating a huge ruckus and landed on the floor, sparking more smoke. I opened the metal door quietly. I stepped out.
Wait. No, this was too easy. And before I could jump back, the ground opened beneath me.
I gasped as fell. It was so sudden that I didn't even scream. I pulled out my rope gun and shot it out. It hit the side of the trap door that I fell through. I clicked the trigger to wind myself up. It pulled me up and I jumped into the ground. I was breathing hard.
"Wow. Didn't know you could escape that," Manar said. He came out of the smoke. "This trap was especially made for you. And it couldn't even hurt you, not one singe wound. I got to say, Catgirl, you're quite impressive. But today, your impressiveness will be gone." Behind my back, I pressed the red button on my wrist three times.
"How are you gonna do that when I could easily kill you?" I asked with a smile.
"Oh. You've only seen me behind my desk, ordering guards around. But I'm much more than that. I'm a lot more." He ran at us. He did a spinning kick. I quickly ducked. His leg missed my a centimeter.
I blocked his punches. I pulled out my gun and tried to shoot his leg. He dodged it easily. He threw another punch. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it. He didn't even show a bit of pain. He threw his arm up, causing me to catapult into the air. I quickly flipped and planted my feet onto the wall. I pushed off and as I got close enough to Manar, I kicked his jaw. His body fell onto the floor sharply.
"Robin, Bumblebee, and Impulse, come help me! The rest of you go!!" I ordered.
"What about you?!" Ken yelled.
"We'll be fine!!" I answered. I saw Manar get up again. I quickly punched him. "Go!!" He ran with the others, but still looked back.
I turned back to Manar. I pulled out my gun and loaded a bullet. "Stand down, Manar."
He sat up and laughed. "Do you really think that I don't know that you won't kill me? Ha! You're a superhero! They train you to fight against the lust for death."
I smiled at him. "Yeah. I won't kill you. But I can hurt you." I averted my gun to his leg and shot it. Manar didn't cry out or scream. He just winced. Robin grabbed my arm but I ignored him. "You're under arrest."
He laughed again, this time louder and longer. "Think again, Cat. Think about who has the advantage! Me! I have so many guards that will shoot you till you're dead." As he said that guards began to run out of the smoke and point their guns at us. "Don't kill them!! Load in the stun darts!" My eyes widened.
I quickly dragged Robin through a turn in the hallway. Impulse began to vibrate while super speeding and began knocking out the guards. Bumblebee was in her bee size dodging the darts and stinging the guards with her yellow lasers.
The guards advanced forward. We slowly backed away. I hit someone. I turned around. It was another guard.
And before I could defend myself he punched my jaw. I landed in the ground with a grunt. I was gonna jump up and fight him when he pulled out a pistol and shot out a single dart. The dart hit my arm and the scene began to turn blurred. I felt myself hit the floor and my eyes closed.
I tapped my foot in impatiently on the grass. They should come out by now. After a few more seconds I couldn't wait any longer.
"I'm going in," I announced.
"What?!!" Cassie yelled. "You already saved me and Batgirl, just let them be. Maybe they had just made a different plan!"
"Yeah," Batgirl agreed. "Just stop worrying, they can take care of themselves."
"But 30 minutes has passed!!" I protested. "They should have come out 10 minutes earlier. This isn't normal! Haven't you noticed how fast Catgirl is? In 5 minutes she could easily get us away from an explosion!! But 30 minutes? This isn't like her!"
"You know he has a point," Blue Beetle agreed.
"I don't care what you guys think, I'm going in!" I said stomping to the museum.
"Wait! I wanna come!" Blue Beetle called. He caught up to me. We both ran into the building.
We sneaked inside the room that had the metal door. Manar was there talking with some guards. Sofia, Impulse and Robin all laid unconscious in a pile. Wait- are they dead? No, they're not. I can see their stomachs moving up and down as they breathed. I began to move to them, staying in the shadows. I kept my eyes on Manar just in case he turned to us.
Manar turned around and we immediately stopped moving. He pointed to them and the guards began to pick them up. My eyes narrowed as they went out the door.
I ran across and followed them. I waited till they turned through the corner and then started following them.
Then after a few more turns they went into another room. And after they stepped in, we opened the door a crack.
The guards put them all inside a cage with a chain attached to the top. "Scarab said that the cage has invisible barriers so that is anyone gets in, then they will be stuck in,even if you try teleporting," Blue Beetle explained.
Manar then went to a table that had all kinds of triggers and buttons on it. He pressed on of them and the cage began to rise up. Then he pressed another. The ground opened beneath the cage. A huge pool of green acid bubbled viscously. My eyes widened. "Wait," I whispered. "Where's Bumblebee?"
"I'm right here!" I looked behind me. And there was Bumblebee, hovering in the air in bee size.
"Thank you! Finally!" I said, but I kept my voice down. "Do you have any idea how to get them out?"
"If I did, don't you think I would have already done it?" She snapped. "We should wait for everyone to get out of the room and then go and set them free!"
"I guess," I replied. But I couldn't wait. And I really miss Sofia, even if she was keeping something from me.

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