Born of Fire and Ice

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Frozenfur runs across the cliff above her forest home. She just can't stand her dad any longer, all the restrictions and fights. It just makes her angry. She skids to a stop at the end of the cliff, right above the gorge. She looks down across the territory from the opposite end, looking toward the falls. Pyro is strolling with FreezinRain, Dad and Mom are off fighting beacause of Frozen, Sunblaze is sleeping in the sun next to Avery and Demon. Ragnor and Snowings are flirting again, Boltz and Fenrir are having a dominince fight, and Kyle is alone. Pallu comes up behind Frozen. "Anything interesting my dear?" "ACK!!" Frozen jumps up. "Oh...Haha, Pallu you scared me!" Pallu laughs. "I'm sorry Frozen, I didn't mean too." "It's ok Pallu." Frozen laughs. "You haven't seen your dear uncle Thunderpaws have you Frozen?" Frozenfur looks to the falls. "He's over above the falls waiting for you I bet!" Frozen laughs. She is pretty sure that Pallu and Thunderpaws are, or will be, mates. "Thank you dearest Frozen, but I must go now." Pallu spreads her wings and goes off to Thunder.

"Huuuhhh......" Frozen sighs. She hears a sudden wing beat followed by a thump. "Hey Kyle...." A sigh. "How'd you know it was me?" Frozenfur laughs. "Who else would it be?" Kyle trots up by her side and sits down. "Your dad again?" Frozenfur growls. "Yesss......" "He only does it because he loves you." "HE DOESN'T LOVE ME!" As she paces back and fourth her paws leave burns in the grass. "IF HE DID HE WOULDN'T BE SUCH A JERK!" Her fur lights up in flames. Kyle backs up. "Calm down Frozen. Be cool." The flames instantly died down. Frozenfur sighed. "Fine but I'm not apologizing." There was a howl and Kyle and Frozenfur looked down the cliff to see the others calling to them for the hunt. Kyle laughs and shifts into a hawk.

"Last one down is elk droppings!" He swings down. "Not in your best day! Frozen calls as she jumps. She sees the ground coming up fast and at the last second freezes a path and slides right to the others just as Kyle lands down. "Whooo! Not droppings!" Kyle yells. "It was a tie liar!" Frozenfur laughs. Fenrir growls. "Quiet pups." Frozen growls back at him. "Just because your older we're not pups!" Boltz laughs. "Until your Tutelam Venit you're still a pup to me." Frozen turns and snarls. "It's next week! But it doesn't matter because you'll always treat me like a pup!"

"Good point Frozen." Blazze scoffs, his fur burning. "Your Tutelam Venit starts now. As for you first task......hunt an elk......with no less than two meals worth of meat!" The surrounding wolves whistle and howl their approval. Frozen glances side to side warily. "Don't worry father I'll hunt an elk with three meals worth!" The pack went quiet. A few surprised murmurs could be heard among them. "When do you want it?!" "No later than sunrise!" "Glad we're on the same page!"


"Elk with three meals worth. Phhfft." Frozen kicks aside a stone. "Should be easy." She keeps walking, scenting the air. Suddenly the smell of fresh blood enters her nose. She stalks towards it. Coming into a clearing she sees a gigantic elk laying on it's side with some sort of stick in it's flank. Knowing she didn't hunt this one herself she can't take it home. But she did want to pull out that stick. Cautiously walking up to the massive doe, Frozen can smell something else. Suddenly she is hit by something heavy. "Back off! This is our elk!" Frozenfur struggles out from under the thing. It was a wolf. Dark grey in color. "This is my pack's territory!" She growls at the snappy female.

Instead of becoming scared like most wolves she laughs. "I could take your whole pack by myself." Frozen suddenly launches at the grey wolf's throat, jaws open. Before she could connect with her target something buries into her side and she hits the ground. "Nice shot." The female wolf remarks. Frozen looks up and sees the ugliest monkey she has ever laid eyes on. It had fur only on it's head and walked on two legs. Looking at it closer and she recognized it from the cave drawings near the falls. It was a human. But humans died a long time ago Pallu said. "Are you a human?" She asks. The human, which Frozen is sure must be a male, snickers. "Yea, what else would I be?" He walks towards her.

She jumps up and tries to back up, but her side begins to hurt. The male advances again and Frozenfur has no choice but to run. She loses them rather fast.


"Shouldn't we go after her?" The grey female wolf, Sam, asks the human known as Raider. "No. I'm sure she is just a scout. No one important." Sam nods and grabs the elk by the throat. "Let's go, I wouldn't want to stay in this territory to long, in case they have a lot of wolves." Raider slowly begins to turn and go with her. "That wolf has one of my favorite knives." "Who really cares Raider? You have like a ton of favorite knives!"


"They'll never believe me." Frozenfur growls as she pulls the elk she caught towards camp. "Because humans are extinct." She brushes against a tree and her side begins to hurt again. She stops for a minute to take a break. Frozen sniffs the air. Camp was about thirty pup's jumps away. She looks to the sky and sees that it was when the moon is at it's highest, or moon-high. Grabbing the elk, she pulls as fast as she can to camp.

Reaching the end of the treeline she drops the elk and howls. The wolves come pouring in, trying to see if she passed her first test. There was a loud snarl as Blazze quiets the pack. "Well?!" Frozenfur growls. For the first time in a long time her father grinned. "I'm proud of you." She nearly jumped out of her fur with that one. The last time Blazze ever said that to her was when she was two moon cycles old and caught a rat. He begins to step towards the trophy animal but stops. "What's that in your side?" "Uhh..umm....if I told you, you wouldn't believe me....." Blazze grabs the hilt of the knife in his mouth and pulls. "Oww!" Frozen yelps. Blazze drops it and the pack gasps. "I-It's a human tool!" Snowings growls. Pyro begins to back away.

Fenrir and Boltz both begin to snarl. "I-I-I-I-I.......when I was in the woods I found an elk with a stick in it's flank. Then some grey wolf attacked me and before I could drive her off.....a human showed up! He threw that tool in my side!" Blazze shakes his head. "I knew this would happen." "What would happen?" Frost, the Alpha female asks him. "Human's are returning."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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