The Old Friend

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I wake up and feel my legs and arms tied down. I look around. Once I notice there is nothing here I could use to get out or know where I am, I stop looking around and look down. I was about to start trying to break the ropes when someone walks in. I snap my head up and stare into dark gray eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask

"Don't speak unless spoken to you little bitch," he slapped me across the face so hard my head snapped to the left. "Now. What's your name?"

"Like I would tell you."

"Stubborn. Are we? I'll get it out of you soon enough." he pulled something out of his pocket, uncapped it, and stabbed it into my neck. I gasped in shock and then everything went black.

I woke up in a different room. It looked like I was in a prison cell. My hands were chained to the wall. I just noticed I was hanging from my wrists against the wall. The same man came in a few seconds later joined by another man. I put a strong look in my eyes and held my head up high looking the the man from earlier in the eyes.

"Rule one. Never look a superior in the eyes," he slapped me again. I still held my head high, I just didn't look them in the eyes. "I'll ask again. What is your name?"

"Again I say-" a blow to the stomach caught me off guard and I slumped down feeling one of my ribs broken. I tried to lift my head up, but I couldn't. I just let it slump down.

"WHEN I ASK YOU A QUESTION YOU ANSWER IT TRUTHFULLY WITHOUT ANY OF THIS BULLSIT!" he yelled in my face. I looked up with pure hatred in my eyes and said nothing.

"You should probably go and calm down. I don't want you to ruin the experiment." he left cursing under his breath. I looked back down and relaxed my arms.

"Are you okay?" he asked me

"What does it look like?" I answered

"I'm so sorry this has to happen, but it does and you are our only subject so it must continue. I honestly feel my heart breaking when I see you like this."

"Sure." I said under my breath

"I have to start the first experiment now," I didn't say anything while he pulled my shirt up and put two pads with wires connecting to a machine on my stomach. He put the machine on a chair that he brought out of the corner. "Are you ready?" I still didn't answer when he flipped a switch. It felt like someone was breaking all the bones in my body one after the other starting from my stomach and spreading out. My back stiffened and my head snapped back. I was in too much pain and shock to scream out. I finally found my voice and I cried out. He flipped the switch back and I slumped down panting.

"Are you okay?" I couldn't answer "I'm sorry we had to find out how much pain you could tolerate. I have to go now." he packed everything up and left leaving me like that.

"Just like my dad." I mumbled under my breath. The other man came in and took out all his anger on my ribs and face. I knew I would still be sore in the morning even with my fast healing.

"This is for getting alpha angry with me." a spark of realization sent a fire burning through my brain. I was in a pack dungeon. Which one I wasn't sure, but I had been forced to have meetings with every known pack. I looked into his face and recognized him.


"What did you just say?"

"Is your name Leslie?"

"How would you know that?"

"We grew up together. Don't you remember me?"

"I had never seen you since that first day in the interrogation room."

"Sorry, I must have the wrong man. I didn't mean to offend you if I did."

"Wait a second. I think I remember something. Willow? Is that you?" I laughed a hoarse laugh.

"Yeah. It is."

"I didn't know you had shifted, and into an extremely rare wolf."

"Yeah. I'm very lucky I suppose."


"How did you end up here. I thought you joined a tame pack."

"Your dad banished me and a year later I found myself here. I joined this pack and they eventually made me beta. I had never come to the pack meetings because alpha thought it would have been a bad idea to go back to my old pack so he always took the third in command."

"That's quite a story."

"How did you end up in Stoneybridge?"

"My dad banished me like you and I just ran until I came across it and then I tried to fit in by going to human school and I went to a fellow tame pack and they let me join their pack. I did. I was going out to run a bit and I was sedated and brought here. Can you tell me why I'm here? Why do you need me? I'm not special. I'm just an alpha's defective daughter." I mumbled the last part

"You are special. You are one of the rarest wolf types. True descendents from the moon goddess. They have a special markings on their face. Since they are so rare when we saw you we had to take the opportunity and take you here to understand how it happens. All we know is that it is rare and we think it happens randomly. There have been two sightings of two different wolves. One was you and we are still trying to find the other one. We think there may be a connection between them." I looked down, away from his face. I felt silent tears falling down my cheeks. I was furious with him. How could you do this? Wasn't there better ways than this.

"Why would you do this though? Why all this pain I have endured in the last few hours. Why Leslie? There has to be a better than chaining me to a wall and inflict agonizing pain on me. What did I do to deserve this?"

"It was necessary for us to know how much pain you can tolerate. There are no better ways. This is the only one. I sorry if you do not see this, but this is vital for the survival of our race. I sorry it had to be this way."

"Bullshit! You don't care about me. All you care about is research. You don't care who you hurt in the process. Even if it's your own sister! I'm glad you left. I never wanted to see you again. Not after what you did. I can never forgive you for that." he came over to me and raised his hand like he was going to hit me. I flinched bracing myself for the pain, but it never came. I looked up and saw pain written all over his face. I didn't realize when I stopped crying, but I knew it was because I had no more tears to shed. Not for him. He lowered his hand and left slamming the cell door. I let myself relax, feeling the skin on my wrists becoming raw. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I started seeing images of when we were little. We were running in a field. Then, he was giving me flowers. Then, the day he shifted the first time. And finally, the day it all fell to pieces. I woke up covered in a cold sweat. I didn't see any light anywhere. I was in total darkness. The man came in a few hours later. He released me from the chains hanging me up. I crumpled on the floor and curled into the smallest ball I could. I stayed there no matter how hard they tried to get me out. The realized it was no use and they left. I uncurled myself and scrambled into a corner and hugged my knees to my chest and started silently crying. Leslie came in only minutes later and came to sit beside me.

"Get away from me Leslie."


"Fine I'll get away from you." I stood up shakily still not trusting my leg and some of my ribs hadn't healed completely yet so I was a bit shaky. I walked across the room and leaned against the wall. He tried coming over, but I growled at him using my alpha tone making him fall back. Dizziness suddenly took my body and I fell to the ground. He came over and yelled for someone to get the doctor, but everything sounded like it was coming through a wall of water. I suddenly fell into a void of darkness.  

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