13 Answers, 13 Facts and 13 Questions

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I was tagged by Holly_Gonzalez for a round of 13ness

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I was tagged by Holly_Gonzalez for a round of 13ness. First, I'll answer 13 questions. Next, 13 facts about little ol' me. Finally, I'll tag thirteen suckas to answer 13 questions :D

Thirteen Questions from Holly Gonzalez

1. Which author has most influenced your work?

In case I haven't mentioned her enough on the vasts spaces of social media, Ursula K Le Guin has been the driving force in my writing for years. The way she relays fantastical stories in an almost poetic way pulls me in every time. I also love her exploration of social themes, specifically gender.

2. Do you believe in life after death? Reincarnation? Or that we just burn out and fade away?

Ah, that's a tough one actually. I don't really believe in spiritual anything, but at the same time, I don't believe we burn out and fade away. Humans carry around so much potential and energy, and it'd be an irrational waste if that just faded away.

So to answer the question properly...hmm...

3. A genie appears and offers you three wishes. What do you wish for?

*A book deal (cliche number one)

*World-peace (cliche number two)

*A space-ship (didn't see that comin', did ya?)

4. If you could spend fifteen minutes with any person, from any moment in history, who would it be, and what would you ask them? 

Because I'm boring, I'd spend it with Ursula K Le Guin to pick her brain on interpersonal relationships and religion.

5. What's the best thing you've ever written, and what was, in your opinion, the worse?

The best thing I've ever written was a presentation I gave last month on diversity in literature, and the worst thing...any rough draft of anything.

6. If you could travel anywhere in the world or universe, where would you go, or why?

Universe certainly opens up the possibilities, so naturally, I would go to Kepler 452b, a planet proposed to be the theoretical twin of Earth. I want to see what kind of life develops in other universes. 

7. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Jeff Goldblum (and I'm still in love with him)

8. Which band or performer do you love most?

These questions are so specific, and I'm such a non-specific kinda gal....

If I had to choose just one, I'd say Pete Yorn, because he sounds like Bob Dylan and The Killers got together and had a baby.

9. What's your middle name? Do you like it or hate it?

Luisa. I used to hate it, and I even had a teacher who tried to convince me my name was spelled wrong ("It's Louise," she would insist), but now I love it.

10. What's your favorite animal and why?

Dolphins because they're purty. However, my friend is a biology major and clued me in on their penchant for rape, and sooooooo, my fallback fav has always been dogs. Loyal, cute, and hopefully not all rapey.

11. What movie, book, or song best describes your life, or your life philosophy?

A love-triangle between The Birdcage, Across the Universe, and Garden State.

12. What was your favorite toy as a kid?

My Sega Genesis, until it broke. Saddest day of my life.

13. What do you consider your greatest achievement in life so far?

Raising two children without too much incident, so far...

Thirteen Random Things About Me

1. I hate feet.

2. I'm a Star Wars, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Whedonite kinda nerd.

3. I could survive on edamame, or tacos. Or empanadas.

4. I'm child #6 of 7.

5. I only wear multi-colored or ridiculously-themed socks.

6. I'm a political junkie.

7. I create to do lists that never seem to get done.

8. I know how to cook, but hate doing it.

9. I love cleaning, but lately don't have time for much.

10. I travel to Cincinnati twice a year for school.

11. I was a tomboy in school.

12. Silence makes me uncomfortable.

13. People who don't try new things frustrate me (including me).

Thirteen questions for the thirteen victims I tagged below:

1. Share a quote that sums you up.

2. Who's your favorite literary character?

3. Who do you look up to and why?

4. How many days have you gone without showering?

5. Which presidential candidate are you voting for and why?

6. Do you believe in an afterlife?

7. Favorite sci-fi movie and why.

8. Batman or Superman? Why? (don't get emotional about it)

9. Apple or Android? Why? (don't get snobby about it)

10. How many people do you fall in love with every day?

11. Describe your favorite place.

12. If I gave you $10 bucks to go buy me chocolate milk, and it only cost $3, would you bring me all the change or would you tell me it was actually $10? Because I'll know. I'll know chocolate milk doesn't cost that much.

13. Finally, and this one is important, so please pay attention What do you think cats dream about?  (if you're like me, you know they're evil)

Disclaimer: a few of the weirder questions are from Buzzfeed   :D

Rules: Answer the 13 questions above, follow up with 13 random facts about you, end with 13 questions to ask 13 people you tag. 

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