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"From what I understand, neither you nor your officers took proper statements or checked any alibis." Raven fixated an acerbic glare at the Squad Leader.

"We called you and prepped the body for removal." he countered.

"And then what? Sat here with your hand down your pants and twiddled your dick? Look, I'm here to do my job and if you don't do yours you'll be sitting in a jizz-stained building-issued squad car until your wife leaves you for someone with more money and more hair." she walked away, heavy, pointed steps towards the dumpster.

"Was that really necessary?" Richard asked, taking rapid pictures of blood and other points of interest.

"No, but he's new and he needs to learn how to manage an entire squad without making mistakes."

"No one was that hard on us."

"Maybe someone should have been."

The blood had stopped dripping from the lip of the canister, but it was pooled, cold and sticky underneath the leg. Without the body at the site, placement made less sense. One of them complained how much easier it would have been had they gotten there earlier. They were ignored.

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