Part 4: Decision

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Erens POV

All I could hear at this very moment was our feet colliding with the leaves and our heavy breathing on top of each others. We were petrified... More than petrified hell we didn't know what to do or what just happened! Martyna is dead! Somebody killed her! For Christ sake one of us could be next! That's who that person was outside my window, i knew i wasn't crazy!
We will be fine...
We- we can just get back to the bus... Its dropping off our supplies we left back at school in 10 Minutes. Hopefully we can make it there in time...

Ashleigh's POV

That bastard wouldn't even show us what was in that room... There was blood everywhere... I have a clear idea on whats going on. All we need to do is get back to the bus and we can go. Just when I thought I wasn't running fast enough, I tripped and fell head down into the leaves.

Erens POV

I caught a glimpse of ashleigh fall into the pile of leaves behind me at the corner of my eye. She would be the one to fall. I ran back and helped her up.
"You know this isn't a horror movie you can't trip over nothing" I said.
"I lost my footing!" She yelled, panting whilst we both ran together.
"You know... Whatever is going to happen later on, i just want you to know im not taking the same fate as martyna, and neither are you."
I looked at her as she kept her sight forward and smiled, a continusely running.
We were almost at the bus stop. We can make it.

We arrived at the isolated lamppost covered with piles of leaves at the base. It was all just a blur of disappointment from now until the end of this chaotic mess. Everyone all of a sudden started arguing and not to mention the harrowing situation we are all stuck in.

Dylan's POV

OK we can get through this... We can do this.We just have to - Um - I can't think! Its all the shouting! Damn, Aria where are you?!

Bradleys POV

Why can't everyone just shut up!? This is crazy man we just need to get back to the cabin and call for help am I the only logical thinker in this situation?!

Koralinas POV

I swear if any of these morons come near me or even think about talking to me I will rip out their necks and feed it to them! Ma- Martyna is... she's... Oh god...
Morgans POV

Holy shit holy shit holy shit! Martynas dead, we are all gonna die, I can't Breathe! I'm next! I'm so next! God no please! Everything around me is spiraling out of control i can hardly breathe! Please no...

Nates POV

I can't think! I don't know what to think! I cant contemplate on my own thoughts this is madness! How did this happen?!

Erens POV

I can't take it... This is driving me insane!
"Can everyone... please... just... SHUT UP!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping for everyone's attention, and it worked.
I stood in front of everyone, all of which where cramped together in a pile...
I took a deep breathe and begun my speech.
"Listen I know... Ok what happened back there was.. Its indescribable! But arguing about it and blaming each other is not what we need right now! We are losing our heads!"
"Well what are we gonna do moron! One of our members has just been killed! How long before its my turn!" Kain butted in...
"If you would let me finish. Then maybe we have a chance, Dickhead" I said calmly...
He folded his arms and stood still waiting for me to begin again...
"Now I have 2 ideas that will work... We all just have to at least act like our sanity is locked away and kept in order. Now we could either go back to the cabin, and some of us could go to that safehouse a couple of miles away from here and see if we can find a signal. Now I'm gonna go to the safe house, but its up to all of you on wether you come with me or not." Everyone waited in silence before one finally decided to speak...
"I'll go back to the cabin," Kat raised her hand.
"So will i," Aria also said.
At the same time aria spoke, Dylan said he would go to the safe house, But swiftly changed his mind and decided to go to the cabin.

"I'll come to The safe house!" Ashleigh stood forward.
"I'm coming too," Nate stepped beside me with her.
"I'm. Going back to the cabin." Koralina put her head Down as a sparkle hit the leaves at her feet.
"Same," Bradley an kain both said, comforting her as they walked to the rest of them.
"I'll come to the safe house," Ada confidently spoke before standing next to ashleigh behind me.
Tyler decided to go back to the cabin along with Morgan.

"Its settled then," I said.
"Me, Nate, Ashleigh and Ada are all gonna go to the safe house down the road and see if we can get any signal or communication. All of you go back to the Cabin, try and find any useful information you can about when the bus is next going to visit. Prepare any useful objects you can but don't grab anything you don't need, and if you see anything, run..."

Everyone nodded and separated down the path.

"Jee urm. That's the first time you've. Urm." Nate murmured.
"First time I've what? Talked?" I muttered.
"Yeah, actually, well like that anyway," He murmured again.
"Well someone had to do it," I explained.
"Why are you so happy? Martyna just... died," He asked with a slight suspicion in his voice.
"What are you talking about?" I asked
How would i be happy at a time like this? What is he getting at?
"Well its kinda looking like you're, enjoying something about all of this," He weirdly said.
"What do you mean?" I asked...
"I mean... when u looked at Martynas body, You smiled."

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