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     EMBRY DIDN'T HEAR from Blaire in three days. She called in sick from school, and even Kim didn't know what happened to her. He was giving her some space, of course, but it was getting difficult. Jake had joined the pack and it relieved some of the tension off his shoulders. The only dilemma they faced was that Jake couldn't keep away from Bella Swan. Sam placed a restricting order on him to keep the secret, but Jake was chomping at the bit.

     "Hey, sad face," Emily greeted as soon as Embry walked into her home. He offered a tight smile. Taking a seat next to Paul, he stole a blueberry muffin from the tray.

     "I think she hates me," Embry commented. Paul chuckled under his breath and Embry kicked him from underneath the table. He hissed quietly and Embry smirked in triumph.

     "No, she doesn't," Emily said, rolling her eyes while she stood over the stove. "She's just taking her time."

     "Yeah, don't pressure her," Kim spoke, entering the house with Jared behind her. Their hands were intertwined and Jared looked love-struck, as usual. Embry took another bite from his muffin, holding back his nasty words on their relationship. Not being with Blaire for three days had really made him standoffish to couples. "If I know anything about Blaire, she'll come talk to you soon."

     Kim took a seat next to Embry, but he couldn't help but hold resentment. He stood up, swallowing the last piece of his muffin. "I'm going to talk to her." Paul emitted a groan.

     "Bad idea, man. You should always let the girl come to you."

     "Shush," Emily muttered, hitting Paul over the head. She set a new tray of cookies in the middle of the table, hands reaching to grab them. "I think it's adorable. Go get her, Em."

     Embry, struck with a newfound confidence, marched out of the house. He frowned at the rain pouring down. Jake pulled up in his motorcycle, grumbling to himself. He passed by Embry without a word. The teenager ignored his friend's sulky mood.

     As soon as he arrived at Blaire's home, his heart picked up its pace. His imprint was in there, either filled with hate or love. He was scared of finding out. He raised his hand to knock on the front door, but was surprised when it flew open. Blaire's younger sister, Dahlia, stood there with her eyebrow raised.

     "Can I help you?"

     "Hey, Dahlia. Is Blaire in?"

     She looked behind her, checking to see if Blaire was listening in. She stepped outside and closed the door behind her. Embry took two steps back, confused by her actions. She extended her pointer finger towards his chest, and it scarily reminded Embry of Blaire. "You stay away from her, do you hear me?"

     "Dahlia, it's not what you think-"

     "No, I know exactly what this is. You and Sam Uley, really? I thought you were different, Embry. I thought Jacob was different." She pushed him backwards and he struggled with containing his anger.

     "Let me in the house, now."

     "No!" She shrieked. Embry clenched his fists but paused when he heard her voice. His imprint's.

     "Dahlia." The door swung open. Blaire stood there with her hair tied up in a bun, only wearing a jumper and sweatpants. "Go inside."


     "Now, Dahlia."

     The younger sibling looked defeated as she pushed past her sister. Blaire took Dahlia's place and stood in front of Embry. "Hi, Em." The nickname made his heart speed up, unlike when Emily said it.

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