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The girl would wake for the first time without a father.

with only her mum to love her

and who's vault was that?

the only one that actually loved her


"No you can't do this to me i need this job!" she shouts at her boss

The cashier job at the tiny cafe in the corner of the shopping centre was the only thing that kept her daughter and her self alive.

she hadn't turned up to work for week after her daughter Avery had gotten sick with the chicken pocks and for that she had gotten fired.

she wouldn't have anyways of providing for her child as she is a single mum that lives in a studio apartment in london with mouldy walls and dirty floors because she has no money, no time to clean or fix the apartment.

she left the cafe before she was kicked out and started the long drive home where her three year old would be with her grandma

soon her mum would have to go back to work and who would look after Avery then?

She wanted the best for her daughter but how would she do that if she had no job.

she arrived at the apartment block and quickly ran in as the cold january air hit her.

She walked slowly up to her apartment trying to figure out a way she could make all this work

she opened her door to her Mum making dinner at the stove and Avery watching a movie on the laptop because they couldn't afford a tv so they just watch everything on their laptop.

"Hey Olivia, how was your day?" her mum asked her

"Mummy!" Avery squealed while running up to her and hugging her tightly.

"i got fired" Olivia answered her mum while putting Avery back to the laptop so she wouldn't ask questions because how do you explain to a three year old that you lost your job?

"oh no sweetie why?" she asked as she hugged Olivia

" because i was away for a week" she answered

"oh baby well you could move in with me until you get back on your feet, which i've been saying for a while now" 

her mum always wanted her to move in with her but she has five other kids at home and there isn't any room for her and Avery to live

"no mum i can go look for a job tomorrow and ill take Avery with, it can be a mummy and daughter day!" she explained to her mum

she picked Avery up and took her to have a bath

she turned on the bath but the hot water wasn't working, she hadn't had enough money to pay the water bill and now no one could take a bath.

she didn't want to cry in front of Avery cause she would ask whats wrong and she just couldn't explain anything right now.

"uh Avery we aren't going to take a bath tonight lets just go watch the news on the laptop" she says as she grabs Avery and puts her onzie on and takes her into the living room

She turns on the news and a story came on about one direction and Zayn leaving, because now Zayn released Pillowtalk apparently One Direction is up in arms about it.

she  quickly turned it off not wanting to remember him to much although she had thought about him every day.

*****Next Day*****

Avery and Olivia were in town searching for a new place for her to work but they hadn't found anything yet.

every shop was either not looking or didn't like her resume

she had enough and just wanted to go bury her own grave because if Avery wasn't born she would already be dead.

But Avery is here and she never wants to leave Avery's side

"hey lets go get a sandwich" she says as they walk to the sandwich shop

as they walk in they were thrown right into a crowd of screaming girls and a Paparazzi frenzy

One Direction was right in front of her and her daughters unknown Father was staring right at her.

She automatically grabbed Avery and pulled her onto her hip and started speed walking out of the shop while she heard Niall screaming her name 

she finally had made it out to her car and buckled Avery in and quickly drove away

knowning that Niall would not stop at anything to find her 

she finally arrived at her apartment and got Avery and ran inside 


she had gotten Avery finally into bed after half an hour of protesting from a three year old she had gotten to relax for the fist time today.

she logged into twitter and scrolled through until she found a tweet that really stood out

@NiallOffcial: Please Olivia i miss you. @Olivia_Parker67 

She couldn't move, she had frozen because she didn't know what to do

Why would he care about her after he left her and didn't come back after knocking her up in 2013

he didn't know she was pregnant so it wasn't all his fault but he still left her

she logged of and put her phone on the night stand as she climbed under the covers and turned the light off.

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