This is war

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Sky wounds healed fast and she stand up and she examined herself what happen to me (Bold is Sky's inner fox Sakura) My dear child it is your inner immortal have awaken "Who are you?" Sky asked and she continue examining herself I am Sakura your inner immortal fox my child but the questions can wait for another time we have others matters to attend to Sky nodded her head and runs off to the direction the maker went to.

Maker's pov....

"Little human little human come out where ever you are" i said in a taunting tone and i snicker a bit to myself "You can't hide forever little human!" Ace starts as quiet as he can and the i look towards the direction of a thump "Ahh little human there you" Ace runs off as fast as he can and the maker runs after "It's rude to run away from you supreme" i pinned the human boy under my paws and i snicker evilly "Now human boy bow down your king" I glare into the human boy's eyes and i felt something sharp pierce my fur and i groan in pain and i get off the human boy.

Sky's pov....

I shot a demonic arrow at the marker and it went through his fur "Hey!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" i yelled at the maker and i charge at the maker Focus your energy my child and when the time is right use this something that look like a katana appear in my hands What's this for Sakura? and there was no answer so i put the katana away and i start to fight against the maker.

Ace's pov....
I look around and my eyes lock onto Sky Sky please be careful I make a run for it and I don't look back "HEY HUMAN BOY GET BACK HERE!!!" A voice yelled from behind me, I turn my head and I see the maker chasing after me "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Sky yelled and she slam into the maker, I continue to run without looking back I love you Sky please be careful I make it to a hide out and I take shelter there until Sky finds me

Sky's POV...
"You will not lay a hand on him!" She growled "You need to release your inner immortal fox my child" Sakura told Sky "How?" She asks Sakura. No answer. Sky growled and she started to fight the maker

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