18. Issues

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A Month Later!
"Well looky looky here comes cookie."
I heard my older brother Dee say.  I was in the kitchen fixing steak and onions with cheesy eggs and hash browns for breakfast.

I'm a dude who once in a while likes to show off in the kitchen. I learned from Queen's mother. That was one of my favorite things to do with her before she pasted.

Don't get me wrong I could've learn from my mother but she's never been one to really cook because she worked a lot when me and my brother was growing up.

" Nigga move." I heard Queen say.

"Don't push me little girl ."

"It's too early for you to be this annoying Dee."

" Ahh shut up. Where the fuck your ass been at anyways? It feel like I ain't seen your ass in a brick. That fuck nigga of yours must've had you on lock down." I walked out the kitchen to get her before she slapped his ass silly.

" Would you please shut up. "

" Nigga leave her alone." I said grabbing her hand and walking her into the kitchen.

"I wish he would."

"Damn my bad." He put his hands up in surrender " I'm gone to my room. Let me know when you done. I'm hungrier then a muthafucker."

"Alright." I turned to Queen and asked " Where my baby at ?" I was missing her the most. That little girl was my everything and it was killing me not to see her.

"At home with her dad. "

"At home ? I'm guessing y'all working on it again huh ?" I asked already knowing the answer.

She mumbled a "Yeah."

"So what's been going on with you ?" I asked after I knew Dee nosey ass was in his room somewhere.

"Nothing." I just looked at her as she stood next to me leaning on the counter. "Why are you staring at me ?"

"Because you just said nothing but I haven't seen you in a month and you barely answer my calls. "

She smacked her lips before saying " I answer when you call K'Ron ."

"Just to turn around and rush me off the phone with some bull shit excuse."

"I just have a lot going on Ron. I'm honestly sorry if you think I've been ignoring you.

"More like avoiding." I said after cutting the eggs off.

" I wouldn't call it that I just don't think we need to talk about our little sex adventure. It shouldn't have taking place but it did and we can't take it back but can we let it go. "

"You got it Queen. I'll just drop it because according to you it was just sex anyways ." I said going to get the syrup out the pantry.

"You saying it like it was more then that for you ?" I turned around to see her arms folded.

I nodded my head before I saying " Nope, it wasn't. You was throwing free pussy around so I caught it. I'm just another nigga I guess."

Second Attempt At LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now