Six┃Liar, Liar

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For what felt like an eternity, Vicente finally walked out of the meeting

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For what felt like an eternity, Vicente finally walked out of the meeting. I studied him for a moment, his jaw was set tight, his eyes narrowed. His hand under his chin, muttering words rapidly under his breath. I smiled when I saw he hadn't noticed me yet.

I decided to speak up, it wouldn't hurt, right? With determination in every step, I walked up to Vicente. In the back of my mind, I calculated what was the best thing to do. If I could make Vicente happy he might treat me better, then I could escape from this asshole.  Of course, Vicente looked straight into my eyes when I was about to open my mouth, a weird tingling feeling spread in my stomach. What the fuck?

"How did it go?" I said, trying not to act on whatever Vicente was doing. My eyes narrowed when I saw Vicente's hand grip one of my shoulders and drag me away from the guards. The fingers held tight yet I felt nothing from the pressure. I could only wonder how he managed to surprise every single day.

"Like heaven sang it's opening parody." Vicente shook his head and sighed. "Minor problems you don't need to worry about, what you did during the meeting is not acceptable." Vicente sneered out the last word. Afterward, he turned his back and began to walk away. Vicente seemed to be too far in his own thoughts.

I followed quickly after, after all, I got no idea of the system around here, for now, I tried to get my head around this. Finding my new identity as a vampire, looked like a good one. Hasting behind Vicente that was about to murder someone. Hopefully not me. I saw we had arrived back at Vicente's room, from habit I expected Vicente to hold the door open but the door slammed right in front of my nose. Really? I wanted to snap.

I saw no other reason than to open the door and close it. Walking in, I observed Vicente by his desk.

"Close the curtains, it's soon day time." The command harsh coming from Vicente, he didn't even bother to turn around.

I shrugged and did as I was told.

* * * * * *

Sitting on the chair and staring at Vicente's back is the description of boring. I had gotten more used to my vampire senses, I now saw no use in using my clock on my wrist. Just like Vicente, I began to fight against the tiredness. My eyes dropping closed now and again. I didn't dare to ask Vicente if he was thinking of sleeping soon. Before I yawned, I took my hand to avoid it getting seen by Vicente.

To both of our surprise, both me and Vicente turned around to the person, I mean vampire that walked in. Silva was the person that had walked in.

Vicente frowned. Clearly not happy how things were progressing. "Did Lord Kint send you?" Vicente asked curiously.

Silva shook her head. "No, you were requested by your sister Juna and the fortune teller Wanda."

Vicente rubbed his eyes, packed away his work from the table. His hands clenched before he turned towards Silva. "I hope you of all people, asked why."

Silva smirked, I noted to myself to never cross Silva. Like ever. This woman seemed to know about everyone, including me. I can use it to my advantage and get out of here. She winked at me before she continued to speak.

"Of course, I did, I am not that young. Is about the prophecy, and something about being attacked. I suggest you get there before Juna freaks out, eh?" Silva said.

I couldn't pinpoint if she was lying or not, I didn't move a muscle and waited for Aiden's response. The prophecy must be a big deal and those demon vampires a pain in the ass. I wondered how they looked like. Maybe they had vampire fangs, ears big as elephants. Or they had wings, black ones. I smiled of the thoughts, without me noticing Vicente had left the room.

A hard slap on my face made me yelp and I ended on my butt on the floor. "What was that for?" I rubbed my butt and looked up at Silva.

Silva crouched beside me at eye level. "You were spacing out, your thoughts are really funny, ha ha." Silva laughed and opened up her coat and gave me a bottle.

I observed that her coat did change how one looked at her. Her hair contrasting the white colour of the coat. She nodded at me, towards the bottle.

The liquid inside was white, I could smell sulfur and flowers. I frowned. This combination didn't make sense, did Silva wanted me to drink it?


"Why...?" I dared to ask, the air tight in my lungs. My eyes staring into hers, demanding an answer. I was not stupid, for everything I knew, it was a trap. I had barely known Silva a day and in games you use weeks to get known.

"I am curious about your reaction to it." Silva shrugged and twirled her fingers into her dress, she still was wearing.

I tightened my grip around the bottle. This is bullshit. She was defiantly testing me for something. I wanted to know exactly what was the point of this. "The truth, Silva, is the only thing I ask for here, nothing else," I snapped.

Silva rubbed her neck, she looked down at the floor. "It's demon blood, it can make people like us stronger and I want you to survive. Okay?" Her voice small.

"Survive what?!" I said angry, personally, I wanted to rip her throat but I am no killer.

Her eyes got glassy although she didn't cry. "The future. I understand now, I will do anything I can to help you escape, Ethan."

In the end, I decided to take the chance and trust someone in my life for once. I drank the whole bottle in one sip.

✓ Savory ⚣ | First DraftWhere stories live. Discover now