The story and a hint why Lucy move to another school

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Hey guys it's anime_lover03 here and this is High School Musical 2(^^)

I hope you are excited to read it and if you haven't read High School Musical (fairy tail) first to understand the story and what's happening.

Tbh this is my favorite one of out of them all. So yeah this will be definitely be a probably story because this is my favorite out of them all. So I hope you enjoy it and probably the first chapter will be here soon. Bye bye

This video is not part of the story, but it's so sad and OMG I can't stop watching it. It's a good song but so dark

Hint hint is part of the story
This a give you little hint why Lucy left her other school so make sure to listen very carefully because it might give you a hint

Try to guess

Oh yeah and everyone has a sad back story so I hope you enjoy the sadness in this too

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