Chapter 1

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Dear Rose,

This is mental, utterly and completely, to be writing to you when you won't even speak to me. You think I hate you. If only that was true. I try and try to stay away, but alas you won't let me...


Scorpius walked along the corridor to the Slytherin common room, a hearty roll of parchment clutched in his hand. His silvery hair was carelessly thrown back, unlike his usual style. He was rattled and he knew it. He couldn't go into the common room looking as he did. He had a reputation to uphold. Although, he wasn't doing a very good job of upholding the "Malfoy honor" as his father put it. His father had to keep his place. Scorpius must keep his place. All they ever did was keep in line...


Dear Scorpius,

This seems silly, mental even, to be writing to you when you hate me. You are the only person who seems to understand me. I see you look at me. You think I don't notice (it's adorable), but I do. I... shouldn't feel the way I do about you. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin it's risky enough. I mean the stares we'd get and the snickers, but I'd do it for you. The REAL problem is our parents. My dad can't stand to even look at your father. Did I ever tell you about the first day of our first year? My father pointed you out and said, " You see that boy there? That's Scorpius beat him in every class. Thank goodness you're as smart as your mother." That is when I first saw you, not when we had that terrible history of magic class together, and my feelings for you started right then and there. Not when you showed everyone up with your knowledge, but when you were the shy boy being lectured by your father. You were already in your robes. Your hair was pushed back and it glinted in the sun of the crowed platform. I could see that your father was speaking to you the same as mine. He was probably giving you a lecture about how you couldn't do anything stupid, but what made me really LOOK at you were your eyes. They were gray at first stormy and watchful. Then you turned and looked at me... Then, suddenly like fall winds becoming winter chills, they were no longer just gray, but wise and intelligent as if you were constantly thinking a thousand thoughts. I believe I stared at you for a good minute before my father laughed and said, "Scouting out the competition? It won't be a problem for you trust me." If only that were true, but sadly THAT precise moment is when I fell in love with you.


Rose sat alone in the drafty Gryffindor common room. The fire was the last source of light and warmth in the room and it was slowly burning out. Rose had rolls of parchment all around her. Some had scribbles and notes; others were covered with carefully written sentences. She seemed to be sleeping, but the water stains on the parchment below told a different tale. Abruptly her head snapped up. She heard a noise coming across the room from down the stair well. Rose sighed in relief it was only Amber, her best and only friend. She walked down to Rose and shook her blonde waves as she rubbed her eyes, "You really need to get some sleep. I know you have to get, like, perfect grades all the time because of your mom, but enough is enough."

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