Chapter 3

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Before Rose knew it the day of the date was upon her. It was her first date. And she was freaking out. Just as any sane person would do she tried to calm down. Key word, tried.  "Calm down, calm down," Rose told herself quietly. How did she look? Did her breath smell? Would Thomas try and kiss her? Did she want to be kissed? Calm down, calm down, calm down Rose!

Slowly Amber, Rose's best friend, made her way slowly behind her. Amber had been studying quietly on her bed when she heard Rose's nonsense. Carefully, Amber snuck behind her and spoke in a soft voice, " Rose it's okay. Whatever it is. Just. Calm. Down."

Rose quickly turned around to see her best friend with her hands out like you would do to try and pet a wild horse.

"I'm fine." Rose snapped instantly regretting her sharp tone. Amber simply raised her eyebrows as if to say, "Oh really?" Admitting her lie Rose sighed. Amber gave her one of her signature glares.

"Now tell me what is really going on. You've been so distant. I mean you are always distant, but not the point. Usually you speak at least once per day, but you haven't been speaking at all lately. Plus you usually talk to me. I mean not about everything, but about a lot of things. Not typically personal, you are really private, but still! Now I'm rambling and look like a buffoon, but you're my best friend. Now what's wrong!"

Rose simply sighed again. She expected this out of Amber. They were two very different people. Rose was very quiet and slow to state her opinion for fear of being wrong, while Amber could care less. She could talk the ear off of anyone.

Amber, bless her, still wouldn't take Rose's sigh as an answer. She began tapping her foot against the cold stone floor so it echoed throughout the bedchamber. Even the scarlet curtains were swaying with the powerful force Amber provided.

"I'm sorry. I have been distant, but... I have a date tonight and..." Rose had to say no more and Amber started to freak out.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me! So Scorpius finally got the guts to ask you out, huh? I knew it! I see you two sneaking around. I thought at first you were friends, but I see the way you look at each other. Way to go!"

Rose looked horrified at Amber's statement. "No! Of course I'm not going out with him. I am going out with Thomas. He has been asking me for forever, and our parents know each other. Plus this is our last year in school, so my parents said maybe I should try and meet some people..."

Amber gave Rose a death glare then started to speak, "You are kidding me right? I mean literally I've seen paintings that have more personality than him. Did your parents set you up? That is just sad. You can do so much better like..."

Rose cut her off and rebutted, "If you say Scorpius I will kick you out of this room."

Amber simply carried on after Rose said her piece, "You guys literally 'hang out' all. The. Time. I mean not since you've been acting funny, but that was actually one of the few signs I used to determine something was wrong. I mean you will go days without talking to me, but never a day without talking to him."

Rose blinked. She supposed she did sometimes didn't talk to Amber, but she didn't think it was that long.  "I didn't know you thought that." Rose stated while looking at Rose. She scuffed her black shoes along the brink to try and ease the tension.

"Its okay. I get it. You are under so much pressure from everyone around you, so I just wanted to be one less thing to worry about. As long as I get some of your time I'm good." Amber shrugged it off, but Rose could tell she hit a nerve. Amber tried to play it off like she had a lot of friends, but she had only a few close ones. Rose just felt bad she was chosen as one of them.

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