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"We are introducing a change to the lives of our students- starting today!" The head of the extra-curricular development announced with his deep voice.

"In addition to your academics we want to make running compulsory for our students. For great concentration, one must have an active and healthy body. The organization 'Run for Life' has proposed a schedule for the students to follow and how we can achieve this way of life at our campus" Several groans rippled through the crowd of students.

"You must follow our rules strictly...Any violation of rules, any person found shying away from this change shall be either expelled or asked to run after college hours under the keen observation of our head girls and boys, monitors, class reps and volunteer students. We must work together to make this change successful"

"I'd be in charge of this running class sissies" Hunter yelled as all the students of As level 1 filed into the large dusty field.

His glittering brown eyes were met coldly by the group of young adults. They approached the morning field with dull enthusiasm, their faces slack and their eyes wandering to the glass of their watches every now and then.

The large expanse of that college was dotted with more pebbles than grass, the grass in question grew wildly in patches here and there and the area reminded Constance of the middle aged men that go bald in patches; It was a pathetic excuse for a lawn.

A lean muscled instructor towered over her, his mean gaze glued to his score sheet. Her knees seemed began buckling beneath her and her heart was already leaping out of her chest; she was certain that she could die any moment.

"Okay Miss, I will judge you on your stamina and make you run along the length of this lovely field, If your stamina proves poor I'm afraid I'll have to fail you and you will have to run after college with your Head boy." He said curtly.

"If I fail...can't someone else run with me after college" she asked exasperated.

She still didn't know who the head girl was and why she hadn't chose to show herself to her. It seemed in her mind that she was a quite kind of person, someone you would easily miss out in the crowd. Why else could she have not noticed her?

The instructor chuckled horribly, revealing his sharp canines that seemed too monstrous for the exaggerated vision of Constance's nervous eyes. She glanced at Hunter who was too busy sneering at the chubby boy standing behind her.

"Miss Rosewood has duties with As 2, Miss Stone I'm afraid you'd have to deal with Mr. Keynes" He smirked and signaled for her to run around the track that he had marked with what seemed to be white chalk powder.

She drew in one shaky breath and began to trot off like a horse with legs made of jelly, a few nervous giggles were heard from behind but she ran regardless of what she appeared to everyone behind her. A rush of air hurried to meet her as she picked up pace.

Sooner than expected, her lungs gave up on her and she gasped for air. She slowed down to a brisk walk and as she reached Mr. Stile at the end of the track, she hung her head low in shame; she had definitely failed the test. She wasn't a good runner and her stamina was a joke. A sense of dread encompassed her demure figure and for a minute the human in Hunter pitied the girl before him. His heart sank a notch below and uneasiness crept around his long neck; he didn't like seeing people raw with emotion. His mother had made sure of that.

"Sorry lass" he chuckled "But you're going to have to meet Mr. Keynes at 6"


At 6 she stood waiting for the rest of the students who had failed Mr. Stile's ridiculous stamina test. The veins running along the side of her neck pulsed nervously, adrenaline obviously galloped in them. She was tense about running with Hunter. 'After all who wouldn't?' she thought to herself.

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