Returning Home

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Luna, having just returned from the moon, was very excited to see her sister, family, friends, and home again. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her to the chariot that would take her home. She waved goodbye to her new friends in Ponyville and called out to Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie (who ran over to give her a hug).

"Goodbye, I can't wait to return to see you all again soon," she cried into the crowd.

She smiled brightly once more to those who helped save her from the wretched thing she had become, that side of her that she wished would disappear, though she had a strange feeling that there would always be a little bit of Nightmare Moon left in her.

Celestia, her beloved sister, sat down beside her and commanded the strong pegasi  in front of them to start on their journey to Celestia's new castle.

As the chariot flew many miles above the ponies celebrating beneath the summer sun, Luna thought about the one thing that made her feel alive and free, flying. She looked down at everypony and walked to the edge of the chariot.

"Luna, what are you doing?"
Celestia said to her sister.

Suddenly, Luna jumped into the air and out of the chariot.

"Luna!" Celestia screamed as she watched her sister plummet to the land below.

Luna heard her sister's shout and opened her wings. She flew up to the chariot and circled over her sister's head. She giggled as she flew around the chariot gracefully.

"What is it Tia?" Luna said between chuckles.

"Same as ever," Celestia said in reply, a bit annoyed by her sister's joke.

"So, why aren't we heading towards our castle?" Luna asked.

"We are. A new castle was built for us after you destroyed our other one," Celestia said jokingly.

"Where is it Tia? What does it look like? Does it have lots of secret passages?"

"Canterlot, amazing, and no. Sorry," Celestia said in reply.

"I cannot wait to see it," said Luna as their chariot sped off into the distance.

Author Note: I am looking for a few characters to be introduced in the next couple chapters so feel free to put them in the comments. Please tell me what they look like and, if desired, what their personality is like. Thanks for reading!

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