Chapter 7

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*Lucas's point of view* 

I get mad when I see Josh get grabbed by his dad and I run over to try to get a hold of him when his father pushed me away almost knocking me on my ass. But thank goodness I learned how to defend myself so instead of falling on my ass I make myself fall on my hands and put my weight on them. Then I push with all my might and makes myself land back on my feet. When I did that I see Josh's father carrying him to the car and putting him in it. 

I get mad and I go over to Josh's dad and I stand in front of him and gets in his face. At first I thought he was going to hit me but instead he just glares at me I glare back. "Don't you realize you are only going to lose your son if you don't accept him for who he is? Don't you love him at all? You were a teenager once how would you feel if your parents stopped you from seeing someone you love? Wouldn't you hate your parents as well?" I asked him. 

For a moment I thought I reached out to him but then I saw his eyes harden and I knew no matter what I said it wont get through to him. But I wasn't going to give up I didn't back down or move. "He is going to thank me later for this he may hate me now but soon he will see that I did him a favor and got rid of what is tainting him," Josh's father said. 

I grit my teeth and I growl at him. "He isn't tainted how would you feel if this world was reversed where you were shunned for liking the opposite sex? Put yourself in your sons shoes can't you see you are pushing him away from you?" I asked him. Josh's dad didn't say anything instead he pushed me aside and got into his car. I watched helplessly as they drove away but I will get him back if its the last thing I do. 

*Josh's point of view* 

When we got back home I stomped up the stairs and slammed my door and locked it. I couldn't stop crying I get up and look for my razors after a few minutes of searching I finally find them. I take one out and I cut myself and then I decided to go for a vein and I dig the razor in deep. I knew I hit a vein when I saw the blood gushing out all over. I slowly start to black out and didn't feel anything but blissful darkness. 

*Dave aka Josh's dad* 

I couldn't help but think about what that boy said. But I knew he was wrong people like that always are. They just taint this world with their filth I walk upstairs and tries Josh's door but it won't open it was locked. I banged on the door calling out to him. "Josh Chesterfield open this door now!" I shouted. I waited for a moment and when he didn't answer that's when I try to break the door down.After the fifth attempt of ramming my shoulder against the door it finally gives. 

When I open it I am horrified on what I see, I see my son passed out in a pool of his own blood. I run to him and picks him up and runs out of his room carrying him I scream out my wife's name. "Abby get down here now! Our son tried to commit suicide!" I screamed as I run down the stairs and goes outside. 

I put him in the car I take off my shirt and wraps it around his cut and puts pressure on it soon I hear another pair of feet running out of the house. I turn to see my wife with a terrified look on her face she gets in the back with Josh. She keeps pressure on the wound as I get into the front seat and high tail it to the hospital. 

After driving like a maniac for five minutes and not getting pulled over on going way past the speed limit. We make it to the hospital and I get out after parking and so does my wife I pick up our son and carries him into the hospital. I spot a nurse at the front desk and rushes towards her holding my kid to me. "My son tried killing himself he hit a vein and there is a lot of blood coming out. Can you please help him?" I asked the nurse. 

She nods her head and presses a button on the intercom and calls out for the doctor and soon the doctor comes out. I follow him when he motions for me to and we go into a room and I set Josh down and step aside. The doctor gets to work and the nurse helps out. After a few moments they get done. "So doc tell me is he going to be ok?" I asked him in a small voice. "He will be just fine you brought him in on time but I do have a few questions for you," he says. 

"Alright what are they?" I asked. The doc grabs a clipboard and writes some things down before he asks. "What caused your son to want to end his life?" he asks. I shiver and looks down ashamed. "We had an argument about who he was seeing it was a boy and we forbid him to see him because its not right for them to date," I say. The doc just frowned and wrote some more stuff on the clipboard before he looks up. "You know my advice to you is think more about your sons feelings then your own otherwise this might happen again," he says. 

I couldn't help but be horrified about it. "What is it that you are saying to me?" I asked him. "I am saying is that I am going to put him in therapy and he is going to have to stay in the hospital due to suicide we are going to gave to watch him. But stuff like this happens when a kid is misunderstood," the doc said. I bit back down my words on what I wanted to say I opened my mouth to say exactly what was on my mind when I closed my mouth again and lets the doctor go. 

I go and sits down and looks at my son he looked so small and pale. I just wanted to protect him. Instead I pushed him towards this. I sigh and walks out of the room and leaves and walks outside and then I just start punching and kicking the wall until my knuckles bleed and are broken. I screamed really hard letting all of my anger out. Finally I settled down.

*Josh's point of view* 

I could hear bits and pieces on what was being said in the world I heard what the doctor said and I heard what my father said. I wanted to wake up and move but my eyes still felt heavy and I couldn't move them at all. All I could see was darkness but then I feel a pull of someone pulling me towards them. I felt like I was flying and then finally I stopped and I see someone. 

I walks over to them and they are dressed in nothing but white it was a girl and she was smiling at me and she was around my age. "H-hello who might you be?" I asked her. She smiled at me. "I am here to help you decide rather you want to completely die or get another chance in life," she says smiling more. I couldn't help but look down and blush. 

"I don't know if I should I mean my parents don't accept me so why should I be in this world?" I asked her. She looked down sadly and I had the urge to comfort her but I don't she finally looks at me back. "I know but give it another shot you just might get your way so don't give up hope yet. Here let me show you what I mean," she says.

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