The Devourer (creepypasta)

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I'm writing this because I want to warn you DON'T STAY HERE! It watches everything... as I'm writing this it waits outside my room. I'm sorry you probably don't understand. I moved out into the country side with my mother and father. My father was a country man and hated the city so we packed up and left.

Everything was fine for a while. Farming, hunting the usual but two days ago my father went on a lone hunting trip. He never came back that night. I now know he is dead. His hunting dog Lucy was left in her fenced in dog house and she seemed so depressed. She wouldn't eat or move. It was like she knew something was wrong. We called the police yesterday and they have been asking around. They'll never find him... or me in time.

Today everything turned into a shit storm. About two hours ago I heard Lucy growling and snarling as though she was ready to kill. I figured it was a stray cat that was sitting outside the fence messing with her. Unable to sleep I grabbed my flashlight and my 22. My mother stopped me as I went to leave the front door. She didn't want me out there. I assured her I was only checking on Lucy and would come right back in. After a little arguing she gave in.

I made my way to the back using the flashlight to guide my path. As I turned the corner I shined the flashlight into the fenced in area. In that spilt second I saw the most frightening creature.... no monster. Some hairless beast. It stood on 2 hind legs and stood to about 8 feet. Its spine poked out of the skin. There were shine crimson eyes. It's rib cage seemed to form on the outside of its skin and the elbow also formed outside of the skin and came to a point. His claws weren't like a normal animal I've never seen something like it. The fingers last knuckle seemed to be 6 inches long and pointed. Like the others places the bone was shown to the world. Its mouth watered as it looked into the fenced area.

I dropped my flashlight and sprinted with my gun in hand to the house. Luckily for me it was to into Lucy to give me any mind at the moment. When inside I slammed and locked the door. My face must have sent my mother into her own panic. "What happened!?" She asked.

"Something is out there it... it's I don't know." I shock my head in disbelief. She went to look out the kitchen window. "No mom." I whispered as I grabbed her wrist. "D-don't let it see us. Please don't" she knew I couldn't be lying. I've run into bear in the back yard before and not been this scared. She took my advice. "Go lock yourself in your room and only open it when I knock. I'm gonna lock up everything." I didn't want to leave her but it was an order. "J-just keep the lights off please mom." She smiled and patted me on the shoulder. This meant she understood. I hugged my rifle as I slowly walked to my room. I locked my door.

My window is quiet small so I had no worry of that thing getting in but... it was right next to Lucy's cage. I could hear her whimper and snarl and the sounds of biting and shaking. Soon she stopped her growls and only whimpered. And there was a noise I didn't understand.... that's when it hit me. Flesh being ripped. T-that thing was eating Lucy a-alive... I tried to hold my tears and sound out the noise. The whimpers were far to loud... I can't do this. I've been listening for a good 10 minutes now... I have to put her down.

I slowly stepped on my bed placing the barrel of my gun on the window frame. I could see the dog I grew up with laying down defeated. She seemed like she no longer even wanted to cry let alone live. Her back legs were gone and her spine was bare. Wiping my tears I aimed for her head. I took no time and shot. There was no more sadness coming from Lucy. And this seemed to anger the beast. He roared causing me the jump. I moved away from the window. I could here my mother running towards my room.

I ran to the door to open it. She was sprinting towards me down the long hallway. Half way down the window shattered and I saw it tackle my mother. "Go James go!" Were the last words she could form as it slashed her throat open. She weakly punched at the monsters blood stained face.

I closed my door crying I had to push my dresser in front of my door. I then sat against the wall crying unable to control my weeps. Outside my door I could hear the person who raised me gurgle her own blood as the smacking of lips were heard.

I finally toughed it out and now I'm sitting here on my desktop writing this. If you find this leave please leave. It devours everything that's what it is a devourer. I... I think it's done with my mother now it's only a matter of time befoqjaidsaiofdhsj


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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