chapter 3

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                                                                   camerons pov

when i told harry that i loved the book the note book i was pretty much watting for a sneer remark from harry but he just said 'Me too cam." i then see the teacher ms:brooks come in she was wearing a plaid t shirt and khakis i chuckle at her outfit choice but then she says"class i am going to hand you a paper with your partners name on by the way this is compleatly random and i did not choose your partners." i wait patiently for her to hand me my partner but when shedoes i look at the paper and my eyes literly pop out of my head i scream "what the hell!" then harry smirks like he is enjoing seeing me suffer and he says "come on cam i thought you would be happy that im your partner." he chuckles at me and i just sigh and say "well harold im not i am fucking dying inside." i whisper making sure no one hears my foul laguage im praciclly dying right now why me :(

Harrys pov

I was very pleased that me and cam are partners so what i have a crush on her even though its stupid and i shouldnt but i do so dont juge me you fuck tards but anyway i watch cam stress over me being her partner shes beutiful i mean look at her shes smart and pretty but anyway i smile as her soft voice says "harry can you stop staring at me please?" she questions and i blush a little hopping she wont see but my smile goes away when i see the jock of the school andrew walking over one thing i know is that cam has a big crush on him and he has a crush on her oh fuck!!!!

Camerons pov

andrew starts walking over to me and harry as he walks i can help to think ugh why does he half to be so cute as he walks over he says "hey cam." and i smirk and say "hey andy." he looks at me up and down and says with a smirk on his adorible face "hey i was wondering would you maybe want to go on a date with me friday?" he questions with a blush on his face i smile and say "yes andy i would love to go on a date with you!" i tell him happily he smiles and says "omg yes i thought you would have said no!" i smirk and say "why would i." he smiles and we talk a little bit and we exchange phone numbers and he walk off and i was super happy but harry looked sad i wonder why?

harrys pov

so my worst nightmare came true cam and andrew the ass hole jock are going on a date FUCK i really hope he doesnt hurt her she seems so fragile i would hate to see her hurt but i have to keep up my 'i hate cameron' image ugh if only she knew 


hey guys i am so happy to finally update this i will start updating more often i swear im really sorry and as you can see i was switching there povs alot and i may add a new pov next chapter but you will have to wait and see muhahaha okay bye guys love ya~ heidie 

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