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Warning: This story features mentions of suicide. If you feel uncomfortable reading that I'm very sorry, but it was the basis for the prompt. I hope you understand.

It was the wind rushing past her, the feeling of the sky giving way beneath her, that really opened Celaena's eyes to what she had done. But she didn't regret it — not for a second.

It was as she was falling that, from the corner of her eye, Celaena saw a flash of movement—a news report on a hospital television. It was almost ironic that she had jumped from the roof of the hospital, but it was the only tall building in her hometown.

Time seemed to slow, to freeze, and all Celaena could see was the report.

"Earlier this morning, Sarah Johnson woke from her coma after she received life-threatening injuries. Sarah was caught in a horrific car accident last Tuesday after a drunk driver sped down a side street and clipped her parents' car. The offending car caught the passenger side head on, and the driver died after he sustained major injuries to his chest, legs and head.

"Sarah suffered moderate injuries to her side and received a concussion. Her chest was also pinned and doctors feared she would not survive. Her family were preparing themselves for her funeral when they received the call that their daughter had survived."

"We were so relieved," said a woman who was clearly Sarah's mother. She had been crying recently. "I'm so glad she survived. We honestly didn't think she'd make it." The woman dissolved into tears.

That could be you, you know.

Celaena opened her eyes. She was hovering a centimetre from the ground. The world around her was black and white, but she was in startling colour. She seemed to shine.

Celaena held out a shaking hand and touched the ground beneath her. Colour spread under her fingertips. The second she lifted hem, the colour receded.

You don't have to die.

Celaena blinked and lowered her knees. She knelt on the ground and looked behind her. A gorgeous, rainbow glow outlined a large, animalistic shape. For a moment Celaena thought she was looking at a giant Sawsbuck, but she realised with shock that this creature had been the one that. . .spoke to her.

"Who are you?" Celaena asked quietly. She stood up and noticed white sinking into the ground around her—the colour of her shoes leeched into the pavement.

Xerneas, Guardian of Life, at your service. the creature replied, bending its foreleg to lower itself to the ground.

"What did you do to me?" Celaena demanded.

I slowed the world down. I'm giving you a gift.

"Well you can take your gift and leave me. I don't need it. I don't want it."

You have not yet heard my offer, Xerneas replied, walking over to stand beside Celaena.

"You're the Guardian of Life. I don't want it." Celaena insisted, pulling a stray blue lock out of her eye.

Hear me out. Xerneas was almost pleading.

"Just rack off!" Celaena snapped. "Go away!"

Need I remind you who you're speaking to! Xerneas snapped, rearing up. It hit the ground hard, rich blue curls shooting out across the ground only to die out when they got more than a few metres from their source.

"What are you gonna do, kill me?" Celaena sassed, turning to walk away. She took one, two, three steps towards the hospital fire escape, intent on climbing the ladder and again stepping from the roof.

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