First Day Drama

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Zena pov.
Chicka wake up,Sophie my adopted mom said. I gave her a nodd and went to the bathroom. After showing i put clothes on and skipped breakfast. I wanted to get far away from Sophie daughter Juliana. I started walking, I see this huge building called Cass Tech. I walked in in and straight away i was confused. confusedly  looked down the hall and saw a sign that said OFFICE. I walked in, How can I help you, a sweet little lady said. Hi i am Zena Gomez, i am uhh new need schedule. Apparently I don't know how to talk. She looked up and finally recognised me from Fox 2 News and the tonight show. Oh honey her class down the hall too the right scurry on now. I quickly walked into the hall only to run into the tall brick. Did I tell you I'm on 5 ft. I almost fell until arms helped me. Aye I'm sorry a cute boy said, I nodded an started walking. I was yanked back, what class you got he said, Ms. Jules I replied. Come on he said walking. I don't know your name. i said,Dario what yo name he replied. Zena I said, This yo class meet me at lunch he said running off. I w
Walked into the room everyone stopped. Who are you the teacher Ms. Jules said. Zena Gomez I replied, Oh Oh Oh your the nee student come come introduce yourself She said in a very cheery voice. Uh I'm Zena, I like singing, also piano. That's all i said shifting to a seat. My name
Is Demetrius but call me Meech an that's Angelo a boy said to me. I nodded, you don't talk much do you he said. Nope I said popping my P. Zena please come up here Ms. Jules said. I know this is early but we need to have someone sing a song for the opening of the pep rally after lunch she said. Isn't that pretty early, but I guess I said, she smiled an shushed me away. EVERYONE MAY LEAVE 2 MINUTES EARLY SCURRY ON she shouted. I walked fast out, walking down the hall only to be pulled back by Dario, I was just thinking to myself how he get here. Come on, I heard you singing for the pep rally he said I nodded. Ohh best friend got vocals he said girlishly. I laughed quietly and pushed him. Aye Mariya get yi fine ass over here he yelled at this pretty girl. Hey bae she said kissing him. Who this she said looking at me. My best friend Zena he said messing my hair up. Oh she said giving me a glare. Okkkkk I Thought to myself. AYE YOU MEET MY NIGGA ZENA we all hear Meech yell down the hall from us. Naw nigga she my nigga Dario said as we sat down.(video up top is her singing replace zena for beyonce). After lunch I started practicing, soon everyone started filling in. OK EVERYONE SIT WE WILL KNOW HEAR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM FROM ZENA GOMEZ the speaker announced. I singed and them we got to go home early. I got home skipping diner. I don't really eat i had some carrots for lunch. I went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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