Chapter 13: The Almost-Perfect-Kiss

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Hai guys! Here is some things that might come in handy. This list will be updated when I add more things the story.

(Y/N)= Your Name

(H/C)= Hair Color

(E/C)= Eye Color

(V/N)= Village Name

(N/N)= Nick Name

(W/N)= Wyvern's Name

(F/A)= Favorite Age


(Y/N)'s Point Of View:

I watched the sunset from far off.

Here I was, sitting at the docks of what I learned was 'Phoenix Drop'.

I just sat there, pondering at my thoughts of this place.

I wish that I had something to do, to keep my mind off of my situation.

Though, with nothing to do, I pondered with what I had remembered, trying to remember something, anything about my past.

I kneeled down, facing the sunset, hands together, I prayed. As mom would say, have hope.


I calmed myself, so I could pray to Irene.

I don't know if I worshiped Irene in the past but even if I didn't it would be worth a shot.

Dear Irene,

Please, just please, help me remember my past?

It's really hard, not knowing your family, nobody knowing your family, not knowing how to feel about everybody, not knowing your friends, not knowing, anything about your past life.

It hurts, and not only does it hurt, it's scary.

Please just let me be okay.

I ended and turned around only to scream as a person was sitting beside me.


I only screamed more, remembering his name. 

He stuck his hand over my mouth. clearly panicking.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm actually here to ask you a favor."

I motioned towards his hand, making him take his hand off of my mouth.

"Okay," I said warily. "Depends on what it is."

"Can you go to the cliff beside the Irene Statue?"

"Why don't you?" I asked, politely, though inside I was slightly annoyed.

"Please?" He asked, almost pleading.

"Fine." I said, standing up and walking towards the cliff.

After a few minutes of continuous cussing I made it to the top and only payed attention to one thing.

High Priest Zane.

I quickly turned around, trying to sneak back down but accidentally stepped on a branch, snapping it in two.

"(N/N)! Wait! Can I ask you something?"


I turned around and stood there, arms crossed.

"What?" I snapped, trying to act angry but for some reason happy that he wanted me to stay.

"N-never mind." He said, and turned back around.

Any happiness I felt was no gone.

"Jerk." I muttered and turned around, walking, no more like sprinted down the cliff.

Leaving the so-high-high-priest to ponder on whatever High Priest's pondered on.

Ha, more like trying to make war for some stupid reason. I stopped, falling on the ground, as something started gnawing at my brain.

Zane's Point Of View:

Never mind. Really?! STUPID ZANE!

I continued cursing to myself, mostly for letting her walk away.

I kept pacing up the cliff until I heard a high-pitched scream.

I had heard that scream before.

"(N/N)!" I screamed, sprinting to where I had heard the scream. It was quite easy because she didn't stop screaming.

I saw her there, on the ground, kicking and screaming, eyes closed.

She was screaming so loudly that I thought that soon the guards would come.

But nobody came.

I finally snapped out of my daze and ran towards her and held her down.

"(N/N)," I said kindly, yet worried. "(N/N), listen to me. Calm down."

She seemed to calm down and after a few minutes she opened her eyes.

"I'm sorry..." She muttered weakly, though I didn't say anything, still having her face cupped in my hands.

"For everything. I remember, I remember. I'm sorry, I just didn't know. I was scared."

I only nodded and wiped the forming tears from her cheek.

"No, don't cry. It's fine."

I then started to lean in and close my eyes.

I felt her eyes flutter down and I was so close to her until someone interrupted from the forest.

"(N/N)! WHERE ARE YOU?!" A deep British voice screamed.


"I'm here!" (N/N) screamed.

Soon enough Garroth emerged from the forest.

"Are you okay?" Garroth asked, tenderly, something I couldn't do. He took a step towards her cautiously, as if she might attack.

"I'm fine. Zane was here," Garroth smirked and me being behind her I mouthed 'NOTHING' because I knew that Garroth was hanging out with Laurence to much. "AND I REMEMBER! THANK YOU IRENE!" She continued, as she twirled.

Garroth laughed while I just smiled.

Still determined not to get to close.

"Anyways, let me get you to bed, follow me." Garroth motioned and started walking down the cliff.

(N/N) turned around, mouthed 'goodbye', waved, and ran to follow Garroth.

As soon as they were out of sight I turned around and punched a tree.

Leaving a dent on the trunk.



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