Chapter 1 what the hell Rowans journal

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Day 1
how it happened I was walking my dog with Beth when right away I heard these weird giggling sounds it was truly not natural. Scared like psychotic i told Beth we had to leave we got home and I seen something that was worse than worse it was truly hell. Minutes later I was so scared I didn't tell you what happened that evening well my dad was strangely unusual that morning he told us to leave quick! I was scared Beth was scared I took Beth's hand and ran with the dog as I said strange.beth was screeching when we left and when we came back this is where I tell you that my parents where obviously possessed cause they where driving my dirt bike in the living room like freaking banchees from the big apple. They drove of right through the window but my mom fell of it and she was normal again turned from maniac to mom dad drove of bye dirt bike ........bye dad never to be seen again not that I want to see him anyway he was always so strange and mean to me and Beth I don't really now why I mean he wasn't before anyway mom came running to me Beth never new what she said to me  .......... But I  I did

Day 2
I am so scared I don't know what's going on I don't no what to tell my brother Rowan I saw a creepy thing I don't know if I should tell my brother or just keep it a secret I will not tell him I made my decision . I don't know why my mom didn't tell me and told Rowan and not me, he is older than me sure my mom should of told me I wonder what she said I bet she will tell me soon.                        
REALLY! I shout as I read what she wrote I stormed downstairs now theirs a big hole in the little house I live in cause of dad and my freaking motorcycle as a said I stormed downstairs and screeched Beth read and wrote in my journal she kept arguing with me and mom just took it easy on her cause it is the apocalypse and it wasn't just us that the apocalypse was melting right on us it was the neighbourhood to and I don't think they where coping us or anything but everyone else had a hole or crack in their house to on the side of coarse I wasn't totally aware of everything but I was starting to feel how they where feeling.........weird

Day 3 
huh didn't think Rowan would let me get hold of this again well I know he's not going to tell me what's going on so I'll figure it out I'm not scared I'm just ya so I'm a little scared so what.

i didn't know She's still in my journal she calls it a diary it's not. I of coarse love her but she's kinda annoying she cries over everything sometimes I wish she was a perfect little sister and doesn't go in my journal how does she even know about it mom if your reading this and telling beth that I have a diary it's not it's a journal and you can't read this it is my property well anyway I seen a pink weird thing in the back lane last night and it was weird it was rolling around so I ran home and started looking up pink fluffy creatures I didn't find anything on them on the internet so there's like nothing but their like supernatural manaces I wish there where pink fluffy creature exterminators my mom said she seen something weird to I went down stairs to see if it was still there I opened the garage. Mistake they where all huddled like freakin penguins so I told mom and she gave it the cold shoulder I kept telling her but it was like she was brain dead I asked if she was in this universe and she questioned.

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