Sam x Reader

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~requested by a friend~
*Mild language*

Living with the Winchesters was not easy. Hunting you could deal with but the bullsh*t that come from the brothers(mostly Dean) drove you insane. Their fights were the worse, Dean's constant flirting and drinking was unbearable, and Sam's b*tchface. Sam Winchester's sassiness drove you the most to insanity. It's not that you hated him or anything, he was just... Sassier then you and no one was sassier then you!

You currently sat in the back of Dean's Impala, staring out the window at the open fields and farmland. Sam and Dean were talking about the recent killings in the news and what it might be. You ignored the brothers conversation and become to lose yourself to your imagination, thinking about food, candy, story ideas, and Benedict Cumberbatch(cause why not). You didn't hear Dean trying to get your attention until her tapped you on the leg. "Hey (Y/N), you alright back there?" You sat up straight and sighed through your nose, "Yeah I'm fine." You replied. "Did you hear what I was saying before?" You leaned your head asked the window, "No and frankly I don't care." You heard him sigh, "Not even a little bit?" Dean looked back at you for a brief moment before turning his attention back to the road. "No.. Not one bit."

"Well I was saying that we might be hunting a wendigo." You banged your head against the glass of the car window, "Oh joy..." You heard Sam chuckle, "I hate those motherfuckers.." You really did hate wendigo, they were one of your least favorite things to hunt. "Can I like.. stay at the motel while you hunt this fast and skinny bitch?" Dean shook his head, "No (Y/N), you're not getting out of this one." You groaned, suddenly you remember you had a secret weapon. Leaning up towards the passenger seat, you loosely wrapped your arms around Sam's upper body, he tensed up. "Sammy," you said in a voice a small child would use while begging for a new toy while a small pout formed on your lips. "Can you convince big fat meany over there to let me stay at the motel." You rested your head on his shoulder. "(Y/N)," He warned, "Stop acting like a toddler." You nuzzled his cheek with yours and continued to beg, "Pleeeeeeease?" He soon gave in to your pleading and looked at Dean, "Dean, just let her stay there. We can take care of it on our own." The older winchester groaned, "Fine! Stay home! I don't care anymore." You cheered and leaned back on the cushion of the backseat, "Thanks boys!"

When you reached the motel you three were staying at, you hopped out of the Impala and headed towards the room, "Bye boys! Have fun!" You said before opening the door then shaking it behind you. "She really knows how to soften us up..." Dean said. Sam sighs, "Yeah she really does.." Dean looked at his brother and smirked, "You like her, don't you?" Sam looked at him like with a shocked expressed and scroffed, "Ha! No!" The older brother chuckled, "Yeah sure you don't."

As soon as the boys left, you grabbed your laptop and leaped onto the motel bed. "It's story writin' time!" You grinned as you opened up your laptop and started to continue writing a short story you have been working on. It was a horror short story about your normally horror story scenarios. Girl goes into woods, meets scary guy in woods, die in woods, end of time. Luckily, you were a pretty good writer and could get any readers attention with your words. You did miss them though when they went hunting without you, especially Sam. You never told anybody but you had a small... okay maybe major crush on the younger Winchester. That dork of a moose took your heart with one look from his light brown eyes. (don't kill author-chan if she got his eye color wrong)

You sighed as your fingers typed up the words you wanted on the screen. You didn't know when they would be back but you were hoping they would be back before night fall. You didn't want to leave the comforts on your snacks and blankets to go out and find the lost squirrel and moose. When 9:30 rolled around, the brothers were still out on the hunt. "Geez how hard is it to kill those things? Well.. I guess it's not like bake a cake easy.." You said to yourself while looking towards the wall clock. At about midnight, the brothers walked into the motel room and saw you sleeping. Your laptop sat on top of your stomach and your head was turned to the side. They saw your chest slowly rise and fall with your breathing. "Sam, we have a problem." Sam turned away from your sleeping form towards Dean, "Yeah?" He whispered. "She's in my bed," he whispered back. "And I already made my body dent in that bed so.." Sam stared at him for a minute with his oh so famous bitch face then sighed, "Dean, just sleep in the other bed! There are two for a reason!" He whisper yelled at him. "But I already claimed that bed!" Dean whined making Sam rub his temples. "Fine, I'll put her in the OTHER bed..." Dean grinned. "You're the best!"

Sam grumbled to himself as he walked over the the full sized bed nearest to the door. He leaned down and scooped you up bridal style then carried you over to the other bed. The laid your body down on the sheets and smiled softly, "Goodnight, (Y/N)" He leaned down and kissed your forehead lightly. To his surprised, that woke you up. You looked up at the taller man before you with sleep filled eyes, "Sam? What are you doing?" Sam heard Dean snicker in the background. "Uh nothing nothing! Just uh.. saying goodnight! Well goodnight!" He gave you a smile wave before rushing into the bathroom. You looked at Dean who was trying not to laugh his ass off. "What was that about?" You asked.

"I have no idea."

Wow look at that I finished it! Took me about 5 months.... sorry :(

But I finished it ~^w^~

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