Echolessvoids short horror 2016

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My new adopted sister screams a lot saying how much she wants to go home,

 "you are home" I say as I cut off another one of her toes. "Dad says I need to practice my stitching if I want to get into a good med school some day."


Do not investigate the drip noise that comes from under the sink late at night

 for she is waiting for you, missing her nose and the flesh off her chin and lips, 

she hopes you open the cupboards, she wants to feed, 

but if you hear the cupboards close you should run, she got tired of waiting


I dumped my girlfriend on prom night ten years ago today. she just made the news, her corpse was found hanging in the woods, still clutching a picture of me.


I followed a strong odor of decay to my 13 year old's room 

to find the neighbourhood pets stacked in her closet covered in stab wounds, 

then I felt the icy cold steel of a knife enter my back.


My backs killing me, spent all day at a dozen soup kitchens for the homeless preparing meals. Now I've gotta skip town before the poison kicks in 24 hours from now,Gods work I call it, they'll suffer no more.


As I lay amongst the apple trees, My consciousness fading as my blood pools around me,"Shouldn't have answered that add for orchard harvesting" I thought to myself, for they're now harvesting my organs instead.


As I watch the pale creature use my sons skull for a chew toy through the crack between the boards of the shipping crate I've hidden in, I've come to realize I'll either starve to death or die a gruesome death by that things claws. I'm the only one left on the freight ship, no ones coming to save me or they'll meet the same fate if they do.


As I set my phone on my night stand using its glow to see where I'm putting it, I suddenly illuminate a menacing face with no eyes and its lips curled back displaying a menacing set of teeth, only to have the glow of my phone to go out.


The torture lasted weeks before he finally died,I'm quite pleased with myself for keeping my daughters rapist alive that long as he got what he deserved. Watching the news now they say the name of my daughters rapist saying he was just caught in the act with another girl..... I killed an innocent man and even after knowing that I kinda enjoyed it......


The rapture has begun! All my years with God at my side has rewarded me with a place in heaven! As I rise up into the clouds I'm suddenly filled with pain beyond belief as I'm ripped apart. my screams and the screams of those around me echo through the air as our blood rains down to the world below

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