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Nigel crumbled up another note in disgust. The girls never seemed to tire of passing him 'love' notes in class which mostly consisted of vulgar desires.

When he looked up, Jenny, the cheerleader, smirked at him flirtatiously. Nigel ignored her completely and listened to the English teacher, Ms. Karol instead. She was describing the love that Romeo and Juliet shared. The passion that they called their own. Nigel drifted away slowly.

He couldn't help wonder when he will find a Juliet. A humorless chuckle escaped his lips. He had thousands of girls behind him and maybe a quarter of them had been his girlfriends too. But not one, not one of them had actually tried to love him. They had been in a relationship with him just to show him off like a trophy or to have their fantasies fulfilled with his body. He was like the ultimate prize. Nigel found no one he could confide in. No one who would console him, cuddle him and care for him. Now he felt like he was insignificant, a medal without feelings; he felt used.

His thoughts were interrupted when someone called his name. It was Ms. Karol. And she looked angry. Nigel realised that he had been daydreaming.

"Mr. Canning can you explain to us what the main theme of the play is?

He knew the answer very well. He had read Romeo and Juliet many times and gulped it down to his heart. Reading was the only thing that could divert his mind from the selfish world. He answered promptly.

"It describes the battle of love and hate, in which love is victorious. When Romeo first enters and sees the evidences of the fray between the partisans of Capulet and Montague he says, "Here's much to do with hate, but more with love." This remark almost describes all the play." He stopped for a little effect.

"A deadly feud had, for a long time, existed between the Montagues and Capulets. Law could not control it; religion could not abate it. A young Montague falls in love with a young Capulet. This love is reciprocated. It is a love which is all-absorbing, overmastering, overpowering. It is a suicidal love which is literally unto death. When Romeo and Juliet are laid in the tomb, the feud which, for so long a time had existed between the Capulets and Montagues, is also buried in the same tomb . This, is the theme of the drama.

His beautiful oration resulted in a stunned silence throughout the classroom. The teacher gulped once then said, "Don't think just because you answer smartly, you are not a bad boy! Sit down!"

"Smart bad-boys are so hot!" Someone said and the class started laughing hysterically. Nigel's 'friends' nudged him as he just smiled and gave a theatrical wave of acknowledgement.

"SILence!" Ms. Karol shrieked in her odd modulating voice. "Let us continue."

Seriously! 'A smart bad-boy'? That's so lame, Nigel thought


Later that day, Nigel found himself hanging out with his 'bro' Johnny. His real name was Johnathan Sigils and he was tall. Very tall. And his ego floated even taller. His eyes hid behind messy black hair and he had a well-built body. The only flaw he had was in the form of an enormous, almost pea-shaped mole on his right cheek. It partly ruined his long angular face; and consequently his appearance.

Nigel knew that Johnny, like many others, was jealous of him. But he was better than the rest.

He gave him a punch in the shoulder and said,"Hey-hey! Wanna come over today? I am so stuck in that game! You are like the master in it. Pleeeeeeeease?"

"Nah man. I got a lot of homework left. And anyway, I went to your place just the day before yesterday."

Johnny looked crestfallen. He glared at Nigel. Nigel glared back at him. Suddenly Nigel clapped."I won! You blinked first. LoSer!" He yelled.

Johnny sighed. "Ah! Man I give up. You are way too cool for me."

A bell flared in the corridor. It was time to go. He took out his notebook and closed his locker before turning towards the library. He needed to work on the science assignment. As he walked through the row of lockers, he noticed many starers eyeing him openly and passing comments to their friends. He was used to all this. Someone called him from behind. Nigel recognized the chirpy voice and groaned silently.

Not Maggie!

Maggie came running and almost collided with him if Nigel's reflexes weren't as fast as they were. Then she entangled the fingers of her right hand with the fingers of his left hand and then half pulled, half dragged Nigel with her towards the music room.

"What do you want?" Nigel asked indignantly.

"You!" She said and giggled. Everything about her screamed slut starting from her fake blond hair, orange tan skin, a barely concealing tanktop and a very revealing skinny chino.

Where on earth is she taking me! Nigel stopped suddenly and jerked his hand out of Maggie's grasp.

"No seriously! What do you want?"

"I made a song for you baby! I want you to hear it!" She chirped on happily.

Last time someone sang a song written for me, the school management suspended the girl.

Nigel's mind went grim and so did his face. "Sorry Mag. I got work to do. Will hear it some other time." And then he ran and ran till he reached the library. At the entrance, he stopped, composed himself, took a deep breath and entered his favorite portion of the school. The best part was that this was like a safe zone for Nigel. Girls like Maggie would never, repeat never, enter the library however much they 'loved' him.

He went on to the long shelves embracing the scent of books and pages and paperbacks and being himself.


After a very successful and soothing session in the library, he realized that gym class had already started. None of his guy friends could be seen. Gym was one thing they didn't like to miss. Nigel quickly walked back to his locker and took opened it. A delicate letter fell out and landed on the floor.

Didn't I block the slits in the locker door ages ago? How did this get in?

He picked up the note. The envelope said:

To Nigel (the one)

From the Locker Ghost


Happy Valentine's Day peers!!!

So this is like a gift.. I don't suppose this will be that good because I have never been like Nigel. I mean I have never been the guy who is the most famous person in the school and he is very cool and stuff(yess that rhymed) because I am weird. But writing is about exploring and I am exploring. Wait for the 2nd chapter!

I need a cover so please help me!

Thanks! Enjoy your day!

Oh and also look at another book I have been working on "infinity."
(Just publicity) 😁✌

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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