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"Yugi! Yami is here!"


When I said that I quickly button up my shirt and started to inspect my choice of attire for my date with Yami.

My first date with Yami.

I blushed.

'I'm getting nervous for some reason. W-What if I mess up!'


"I'm coming!"

I groan before taking my phone, wallet, and my jacket out of my closest, before rushing down the stairs to meet them.

Solomon Mutou. My grandpa. Right now, he is reading his today's newspapers while sipping his bitter coffee. Yami is standing at the door, while looking around the cards displayed in the counter.

"Good morning, Yami."

"Oh! Good morn-"

He gasped when he noticed my attire. I blushed.

'I hope that this is not too much. I thought that by wearing this, he might like me even more.'

I couldn't help it. After seeing that passionate love that was embleming from his eyes; I felt contempt to see more of it.

My choice of attire is simple. Wearing only warm, snugly pants with chains and leather belts to go around my waist, white t-shirt, which is covered by my fur jacket, and cute gloves that match the color of my eyes. In addition, black, leather boots adorn on my feet. Yami is wearing something similar except he has green gloves with a red sweater.

Yami quickly compose himself before asking, "Are you ready?"

"Yes. Bye grandpa!"

"Have fun my boy!"

I wave him good bye before Yami began pulling me away and out into the opening. We just walk around town before noticing this small cafe building that is right next to me. A couple is chatting away with each other, while sitting near the booth that has an open window.

Valentine's Day.


"Would you like to get something warm to drink? Yugi?"

"Oh! Umm...."

I continue to stare at the cafe. Yami noticed my staring before dragging me inside.

"Wait! Yami!"

"Don't worry. I know the perfect dessert that will suit that taste buds of yours."

I sigh. He's so stubborn and doesn't seem to listen to me at all. He smirked at me; as if to say 'Yeah-I-Know-I-Don't'.

He set me on the seat that is right next to a window before also seating himself across from me. A maid walked up to our booth and asked for our order.

"I'll get hot chocolate with strawberries cover in chocolate."


She scribbled down Yami's order before looking at me.

I smiled and said, "I'll get earl tea, please."



Yami asked her to come closer. She looked confused but did what she was told. He whispered something in her ear before she smiled and nodded.

"Your order will be made in a few minutes."

"Thank you Miss."

While we sit we started to exchange small talks. Though most of the parts are....awkwardly.

My Special Valentines Day| Yugioh One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now