The Last Straw

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Yet another 3 years passed and still Mel would not consent. Carrie was tired of waiting. Really tired. No matter how many times she asked her sister the answer would be a frank "No."
So one night, Carrie, now a teenager, talked to Mum in the kitchen. "Mum, I want us to have a puppy without Mel saying yes. She will never say yes, we know that. She absolutely hates animals, mum, and I don't know why and I don't care. I just know that she's mean, selfish, and self-righteous. She calls me a brat but she herself acts more like one. Mum, I've made up my mind. I am having a puppy. We are having a puppy." said Carrie, straightforwardly. Her mum was surprised, but knew better. "Carrie, Carrie, Carrie. When you have your own house you'll have tons of dogs. But... Not right now. I don't want this family to be divided over a puppy. Think straight, Carrie." she said. "Mum, now is the time. Mel's working and.. And she's going to college soon so.. We can start now. She's usually at work so she won't see it a lot anyway." pleaded Carrie. But unfortunately, Mel who had been sitting in the living room had heard their conversation. "So I'm mean and selfish huh? Nice things my sister calls me!" she said loudly. She headed for the stairs. "I was about to give you a puppy for your upcoming birthday but now..."
"Wait!" called Carrie, dashing to the stairs. But Mel was already halfway up. Carrie chased her, but couldn't compete with 19-year-old tall Mel, who slammed and locked her bedroom door. Carrie pounded on it and jiggled the doorknob. "Mel! Mell-o! Let me in!" she called frantically. "Don't call me Mell-o!" shouted Mel from inside. "Then let me in!" shouted back Carrie. She gave up. "Mel, when will you ever let us have a puppy? You know Mum and Dad want it too." she asked through the door. "Never." said Mel. "Why? Why are you so selfish?" asked Carrie, in a cracked voice. "Am I still a brat?" Mel laughed coldly. "You will always be." she said.

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