I Got You (Part 2)

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Chloe's P.O.V
I was getting bored so I decided to lay down. I was still facing the Glitter Force. But then I heard April shout.
"What the Hell?!" April shouted. The girls looked at her.
"What's wrong April?" Kelsey asked.
"They just disappeared!" April said.
They? The Minions must be coming! Don't get too excited Chloe.
"Maybe they've given up?" Lily shrugged. April looked at her and said,
"Thy can't have given up yet!" Emily said, making fists. As Emily said that, she got tripped up. "Hey!" Definitely, they're here.
"It ain't me!" Lily said. April and Lily looked confused. Then Kelsey got kicked over.
"GAHH! WHO DID THAT?!" Kelsey screamed. April and Lily just shrugged.
"They're here somewhere..." Lily said sharply.
"Somewhere... It would be much easier if Chloe was here." April suggested. I rolled my eyes.
"Right...." I said.
"Would you?" Lily asked. I gave her the Seriously face. "I take that as a no..."

Brooha's P.O.V
"Alright, who next?" I asked.
"Try Spring..." Ulric suggested. Then I remembered something.
"Watch this..."
I came up behind April and ran my Finger nails up and down her sides. She started laughing uncontrollably. It was hilarious. The other girls look at her.
"Uhh." Emily said. I wanted to laugh myself, but I had to stay quiet so they won't spot us.
"You alright?" Lily pointed at her.
"I-I'm Fi-ine-e!!" April laughed out. I decided to stop and went back over to my Gang.
"Who knew she was ticklish!" Brute said, slightly chuckling.
"I know!" Ulric laughed.
"That's just Pathetic. Hey, is Chloe ticklish?" Rascal asked.
"I don't know, I didn't try her." I said.
"Ok." He said, "Lets reveal ourselves, Brooha!"
I nodded and got the Camera out. And Flash!

April's P.O.V
I was on the floor.
"Thank God that was over!" I said with relief. But as I said that, I felt a pair of hands on my Sholders.
"Not yet Darling!" The voice said. I turned round and saw Brooha. "Surprise!" I fell backwards.
"Woah!" I said, "why you keep changing your Appearance?!"
"To look more Menacing!" Ulric announced.
"More Dangerous!" Brute said.
"Especially so we can get our other Member back!" Rascal said holding his Sword out.
"You won't get her back!" Emily said hugging Chloe. Chloe looked at Emily and just slapped her away. Emily cupped her Hands.
"No one hugs me except for the Bad End Minions..." Chloe said.
"Alright, I had enough of this Chloe. I'm sorry but, Shut up!" Lily screamed and knocked her unconscious. We all gasped, Lily held her head. "That wasn't ment to happen!"
"Oh really. We're doing this the Easy way..." They said, "Or the Hard way!"
We all looked at Each other.
"Enough!" Brooha shouted and came and kicked me across the face. Then she went back. "They choose the hard way."
"Ouch! We never even got a cha-AHH!" I started but got cut off by Brooha beginning to Physical fight with me.
"Start fighting!" Brooha said, still fighting me. I had no choice but began to fight her. I saw Rascal snap his fingers, forming four cards with a Portal side. I turned round but Brooha came charging in and hit me into the Green Portal. She came with me. I hit the Ground hard. The Dimension was dull. Only, Bolders and dead plants were seen. I steadily stood up, still shaking. But it wasn't over. Brooha had an Orb with her. The Orb began to zap streaks of lightning on me. I had to run, I had no choice.

Ulric's P.O.V
I saw those two go to the portal. I looked back at the Glitter Force. I eyed the Yellow one and came charging at her without her noticing.
"I choose you Blondey!" And kicked her into the Portal.
"Peace!" Kelsey and Emily screamed.
"Sorry Girls but I have a Date to catch." I laughed and jumped in. I landed perfectly on the floor but as for Peace. Face first on the floor. I kinda felt bad for her so I came up to her and offered her my hand.
"Need help?" I asked.
She took it and smiled getting up. But to my surprise, with the hand she was holding my hand in, zapped me with lightning. She smirked.
"I don't need any help at all!" She proudly said.
I charged at her and kicked her.
"So be it!"

Brute's P.O.V
"So, uh. Who shall I take?" I asked Rascal. He just shrugged. I sighed and then stood up as tall as I can." I choose you Fairytale Freak!!" I said charging at her. Lucky screamed. "No one calls my Friend a Fairytale Freak!" A voice said. But as I was going to hit Lucky, Sunny came in the way so I ended up hitting her instead.
"Oh great!" I said.
And jumped in after Sunny. "Where'd you go Sunny!" I shouted. I got greeted by a Fireball hitting me straight in the face. "God! It burns!" I said clutching my face. Sunny landed in front of me and crossed her arms. "That's what you get for calling Lucky a Fairytale Freak. Red Face!"
I growled, "FIRE HEAD!"

Rascal's P.O.V
"Great I'm stuck with my Beauty and the Fairytale Freak..." I sighed with saddness. But it didn't last long because Lucky came punching me continuously, but I managed to sheild myself.
"Why would I?!" I responded. We were like this for a while. This is gonna be a while...

Chloe's P.O.V
My arm twitched. I heard noises, people screaming. I shot up straight and looked around. My eyes widened, it's Rascal and Lucky! I got off the Butterflies and came to help Rascal. I snuck up behind her. Rascal saw me, he was going to say something but I put my finger to my lip meaning for him to be quiet. So he was. I put my hands together, forming a Snowflake. Once it was big enough I said.
"Hey Lucky, nice to see you again!"
She turned round, "CHLOE?!" Then I shot the Snowflake at her, trapping her. It seems like I hit Rascal to but I didn't trap him. He was on the floor, I knelt by him. Oh God did I kill him, this isn't good. I put my hand to his Chest. But then, his hand grabbed mine and pulled me towards him. Then I ended up laying on top of him. I was shocked, but I laughed.
"You got me!" I said laughing.
"You bet I did!" He said. I got off him as he got up too. "I thought I'd never see you again..." Cupping my cheek.
"Well, you can see me now..." I smiled holding his hand that was on my cheek. He kissed me lightly the parted. I giggled.
"Where's the Others...?" I asked.
"They're, fighting the other Glitters." He said.
"We gotta help them!"
"I'm sure they can handle it, while they're at it. Let's recreate this world into ours!"
"Let's..." I smirked. Then Lucky cleared her throut.
"Ahem, how 'bout me..."
I smiled and knelt down to her, "You just sit there and look miserable..." I teased.
"Hey!" She shouted. I got up.
"Let's start!" He said as his voice echoed.

Emily's P.O.V
Hey, I'm seriously bored. I tried escaping the Trap but I was too weak. I gave up. I was watching Chl--er Beauty and Rascal taking to each other. But then I heard voices. Oh God I think we got some attention.
"Not too loud guys!" I warned them
"Why?!" They both asked.
"We're on school grounds! Look!" I said facing the attention we called. They gasped.
"Emily?!" One Teacher shouted.
"Er Hi Miss..." I stuttered out.
"We have Lifeforms. Meaning more Negative Energy!" Rascal cheered.
"What?! Chloe?! Come here immediately!" The teacher shouted.
"Never!" Chloe shouted back. "Lets start before they escape Love!"
Rascal nodded.

Chloe's P.O.V
We both shot up in the air.
"My name isn't Chloe anymore!" I shouted at them
"Yeah it is!" A pupil shouted.
"It was..." Me and Rascal got our books out. "My name is Bad End Beauty!"
They all looked at me with shock. "Yeah that's right..."
We turned the paged of the book to a plain one and got the Paint out.
"Our time has come!" Me and Rascal started.
"Everyone get out of here!" Emily shouted. But they didn't listen I smiled.
"To paint this world fully Black!" We slattered Paint on it. "And recreate it to our own World!" A dark Bluish, Purplish aura Painted the sky, along with dark clouds and soft snow falling. Everyone collapsed on the floor. We came to the floor and held our books out.
"Lovely Negitive Energy.." I said.
"You got that right!" Rascal said. He blew a kiss. I smiled. We then closed our books and made them disappear. We went back up to the sky. Lucky looked at us Tearfully. I smirked and said to her,
"Don't do anything, we have Won!"

(Author's Note)
Holy Crapadoodlay!
I did it. Next chappy will be up. And this is the longest Chapsterz I've ever written. See you all in the next Chappy!

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