Pensieve (Harry Potter fanpoetry)

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the memory is smoke.
It sinks, inky into the basin.

The silvery cloud diffuses,
tendrils spread like veins
and I peer in.

Suddenly I'm sinking.
Quickly, lightly, rushing back,
falling through the past.

I see a someday demon,
deceiving himself
that he is not a boy.

He is drowning out his goodness,
drinking in the hate.
Reaching out, I cannot stop him;

needing not to die;
to break his soul forever,
dragging the world down with him.

Helpless to help him,
as into the darkest depths
he plummets.

And I rise from the basin,
chilled and shuddering,
feeling like him, for him,
head full of dusk.

Pensieve (Harry Potter fanpoetry)Where stories live. Discover now