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Author's P.O.V.

Your walking down the streets heading to school, alone. You put down the earphones that is in your ears. You missed your bestfriend Mark as you both go to school together before, before he met his girlfriend, but then he has a girl now and you felt that your nothing to him anymore. After all those years of being his best friend, being there at hard times, good times, crazy times and lonely times. He said that no one can separate you two. But in just a blink of an eye. You lost him. He choose a girl that he doesn't sure of if he loved. You felt betrayed, you felt alone, cause Mark is the only one who can make you smile effortlessly.

Your thoughts have been cut as you reach your school gates. You quickly head to your locker and get your books. As you're heading to your classroom you saw a guy and girl kissing in the corner of the lockers. Wow! Seriously, this a school not a Motel, you thought. But then you saw the face of the girl. Oh-- wait--- that's Mark's girlfriend right, Claudette, Why is she kissing another guy? You thought as you look carefully to the girls face. You decided to just continue walking to your classroom as the bell is going to ring sooner or later.

The time passed quickly, you are now heading back home. As you entered the doorsteps of your house your greeted by your dog Markie, you named him Markie cause Mark gave it to you in your 15th birthday. You head upstairs to your bedroom, changing and slumping down your bed. As you are drifting off to sleep you hear the doorbell rang continuously. Ahh-- sh*t so noisy, you said as you head downstairs opening the door revealing your bestfriend--- erase that, your EX bestfriend, Mark. What do you need? You asked him sternly. But the your expression change as you saw a tear escaped his eyes. Yah- Why are you crying? Co-- Come in, you said as you pull him inside your house. You both sat at the couch. Hey! Mark, you said putting your hands on his shoulder rubbing it slightly. He suddenly hug you and there you felt wetness in your shoulder, you knew he burst into tears. Hey---Mark, What happened? You said looking while rubbing his back but then he broke the hug wiping his tears away. Claudette---Sh--She is kissing another guy, he said still sobbing. The pictures of the scene lately drew in your mind. You saw Claudette kissing someone even if she's still with Mark. She said that we're not a thing, after those 3 months of being sweet with eachother, he said still sobbing. Don't worry Mark she doesn't worth your love, maybe there's someone out there that is better than her, you told him.

Yes! And I know someone better than her, He said looking at you. You mean you have a new girl now? You asked as he nodded making your heart broke in a million pieces again, cause you've been liking him since you met him.

Who? You asked looking down. He lift your chin up. You! He said and smiled while holding your hands.


The end...

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