Sleepy Talk

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"Alright! I think it's time to call it a night!" Daichi yelled after finishing their fourth game. Everyone in the gym was breathing heavily, stretching after so many intense matches in a row. Since the coach had arrived, the team were working through a hard regimen, that was bound to improve their skills. The doors of the gym were wide open to let out the stuffy air, the summer heat was overpowering in spaces like these. Outside, the sun was just beginning to set, with the evening on it's way. "What? But I wanted to do more spikes!" Hinata whined, looking up at Kageyama for back up. The two were usually over-active, always ready to put in extra practice. Sweat trailed down either of their cheeks, mouths open to allow their quick breath through. Asahi looked over his shoulder at the two and laughed lightly, walking over and patting their heads. "We'll have more time to practice tomorrow, you two. It's gotten very hot recently, so don't overwork yourself! It could get you really ill," He smiled, nodding at Daichi and Sugawara who had run out of things to say to the duo. "Y-yes Asahi-senpai!" "T-thank you! Asahi-San!" The two called back rather loudly, racing out of the gym, clutching their sportsbags tightly. A few seconds after they had left, the remaining members burst out laughing. "Will those two ever quit?" Asahi chuckled, an exasperated blush on his face from the thanks. Daichi shook his head "It doesn't look like it," And the captain walked out with a wave, and Sugawara at his tail.

Asahi had stayed back and extra thirty minutes to help Kiyoko clean up, with Nishinoya also volunteering. This was because, Asahi assumed, Nishinoya would do anything to aid the beloved Kiyoko. He found it funny, really. He didn't think he would mind how much Nishinoya adored Kiyoko, but he did. It almost hurt to watch him with such loving eyes, but with a gaze that was not directed at Asahi himself, but at the manager. Asahi sighed in disappointment. It was one of those long, dragged out, heavy sighs. Nishinoya heard it, and came bounding out of the storage room, jumping up. "What's wrong, Asahi?" Nishinoya asked with an innocent expression, the same one that made Asahi's heart flutter, and cheeks redden. "No, it's nothing. I was just thinking about stuff," He covered, before changing the subject quickly with a charming smile. "Say, I think we're all done here! How about I buy you a meat bun or two? You did help, after all," Nishinoya's eyes lit up, stomach rumbling conveniently, as he exclaimed, "Woo-hoo! Meat buns, meat buns, meat buns!" Forgetting all about Asahi's obvious bluff, Nishinoya grabbed his bag and swung his black jacket over his shoulder, ready to go.

Now Nishinoya, on the other hand, had always covered up his immense feelings for Asahi. Ever since he joined the team as a first year, and moved up into second years, he had always felt a closer connection to him than anyone else. At first, he had simply placed it on the fact that they were just good friends. Two people who's conversation could bounce off one another's at any point, who knew exactly what the other was thinking. But then his mind went elsewhere. Just the sight of his concentrated, strong expression made Nishinoya flustered. But as soon as the big, loveable personality came out his stomach filled with butterflies, and he felt as if he were floating on clouds. Over the months, Nishinoya had learned how to place that love onto Kiyoko instead, though he had never really been attracted to her in the first place. If anything, Kiyoko was just a decent distraction. He had, in fact, mentioned this to her before. He had pulled her aside one day, outside the gym, and told her the entire story. Of how he had accidentally fallen for the ace, and needed her to play along. The manager had been incredibly understanding, and Nishinoya was thankful for that.

As they walked along the pavement, Nishinoya was more skipping than walking, Asaahi held the bag of meatbuns, snacks and drinks tightly in one hand. It had gotten awfully dark in the time they had spent choosing their food, Asahi noticed this and sighed. "Are you sure you're gonna be able to head home in the dark? It's getting pretty late.." Asahi asked worriedly, looking over at the bouncing Nishinoya. "Don't worry, Asahi-San! I'll be fi- A-Agh!" Nishinoya had exclaimed, before tripping over a lifted slab of pavement and tumbling. Asahi didn't have enough time to catch the smaller boy, and instead crouched down to where he was laying. Nishinoya had fallen on his side, his arms to his right. "Ouch-" Nishinoya muttered, rubbing his head gently. "You clumsy thing," Asahi teased, holding out a welcoming hand to Nishinoya, who took it gratefully and attempted to stand up. The feeling of his bigger hand against Nishinoya's strong, but smaller hands made him smile. But his inward smile dropped as Nishinoya yelled loudly, "Ow! Oww! My leg really hurts.." With a painful expression as he fell back down. "Ah, you must have twisted it.." Asahi remarked, before sparking an idea. He carefully wrapped his arm's around Nishinoya's waist, one supporting his back. He had placed the bag of food in Nishinoya's hands, as he swooped the tiny libero up, carrying him bridal-style.

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