Chapter 4: Drew

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Chapter 4: Drew

Zoey just gaped at us for a minute. Her  sister bounced up and down, giggling.

"Kiki, go get in your pajamas," she said to the little kid, and she stopped bouncing, frowning. I smirked at her and she glared back with big green eyes identical to her sister's.


"Kiki, me and my friends have big-kid stuff to deal with," said Zoey, bending down to look Kiki in the eyes. Kiki crossed her arms.

"I am a big kid!"

"Not until you learn how to make your own breakfast, that's the rule," declared Zoey, scooping her up. I smiled despite myself. Kiki was adorable.

"You guys can come in, I'll be out in a minute." She left the door wide open, then walked down the hallway past the kitchen. Me, Ryker, and Scarlet sat down awkwardly at the marble kitchen counter.

Zoey came back, annoyed (lemme just say her annoyed face was kinda hot).

"Okay, you guys," she said, rolling her eyes. "Explain."

I looked around. Ryker was trying to dab the blood off his face with a finger. Scarlet was picking the polish off her nails. "No one? Okay, I'll tell the story, then. So Ryker came over, me, him, and Ty were all skateboarding, right? Like the usual. Then we hear this scream come from that little forest behind Scarlet's house, so of course we go to check it out - and, uh, you wanna tell this part, Scarlet - ?"

"Duh," snapped Scar. Her messy bun was falling apart, and there was dirt all over her face, dry leaves scattered all over her loose white shirt and short faded overalls. I didn't like her that much, but I couldn't deny she was pretty, even then. From the way Ryker was staring at her, I could tell he thought that too.

"So this asshole comes running straight into me, and then has the nerve to tell me to get out of the way. He looked, like, college age, and was wearing all black. He pushed me to the ground when I wouldn't move, and had me pinned there. I was freaking out, obviously, so I screamed. The guy had blond hair, and was kind of cute, but then he takes out a knife, and was about to do something, when Ryker hits him in the head with a skateboard - " She looked over and smirked at Ryker. " - which doesn't really do much but make him angry. He threw the board at a tree and it cracked."

"Fucker," Ryker muttered. "That was my favorite board."

"Way, way, wait," interrupted Zoey, confused. "If Ty was with you, were is he now?"

Me, Scarlet, and Ryker exchanged uneasy glances.

"I was getting there," said Scarlet. "So the guy hit Drew in the forehead with the back of his blade, then slashed Ryker across the cheek while he was trying to help me up. Then the guy just ran off. Ty chased after him, and then they - um - "

"Starting climbing up some tree," said Ryker. "I dunno. The rest of us ran."

I didn't like the way Zoey and Scarlet were staring at each other. It was like they were having some silent conversation.

We should tell them, mouthed Zoey.

No, mouthed Scarlet, giving Zoey a look.

"Tell us what?" I asked them, kicking my feet up on the counter and leaning back in my chair.

"Gee, make yourself at home why don't you?" Zoey said sarcastically.

"Tell us what?" I repeated.

"I - we - there's a tree house up there!" Zoey stuttered, seeming torn between telling us. Scarlet groaned. "We've been keeping it a secret from you guys, because it was kind of our place, and you couldn't find us up there." Zoey bit her lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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