Shimmer saves the Candy Factory

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*my dream*

So we open up in a magical castle and I am fighting with the lead fairy and she sends me down to earth to fix the candy workshop. I land on some very white fluffy snow but it was colddddd unlike the stuff up there. I guess no one can see me beside five little kids. Johnny Sally Peter Holly and little Kay. So I see then all lying around the bridge leading to the candy castle. I walk over and turn on my invsa suit. They were talking about how board they were and they had stomach aches. I turn it off and try for it to look like I just walked up. They all turned to me and said dont go in they fed is to much. Then lie down in the snow not even worried that it was cold. I walked in the candy store and all I see is children running around with no supervision running to every stand there was and in the middle was a candy fountain! Like what! I do like candy but I would never take my kid here. And where all of the parents? I turn around from the ugly sight and walk to the kids once again. But they were gone! I turn around just in time to see little Kay run after the rest of the kids behind the bridge. I walk over and ask where all there parents have gone and it turns out that they haven't seen there parent in a week sense they have been here. So we find this door and Johnny and Sally are the only ones brave enough to come with.

Behind the door Johnny and Sally and I see a huge choate river with sprinkles. We finally swim across and go into a room with some furniture. We were sertain that the parents were in here then I heard a very faint cry for help. The kids heard it to and we found a little hatch and we opened it and saw about 200 parents in. There all weak and helpless when they saw us they ran after us and we got trampled by kisses and hugs and thank yous.

Then once everyone was almost up the river a guy came and snatched us up.We were thrown in a room that looked like a office and the main director turned around in his chair. Welcome he said then grited his teeth. Who are you he screamed at us. My name is Shimmer that is Johnny and the last one is Sally. I proclaimed with my head held high. Then he said thats nice and told us to have fun. And right as he shut the door the walls started to close in on us. Oh no what do we do!!! They both cried. Have u guys forgot but im a fairy?! That's when I thorew my hands in the air and say SORRY GODMOTHER SAVE US NOW! That's when the walls began to uncolapse and the door swang open. We got out and the candy factory is shut down and the directer got thrown in jail as well as his colleges. And I went. Ack up to the castle and got the noble fairy award!

The end


Ya I know what you are thinking weird but come on look back at your dreams you have had! None of them are weird like this? what ever but haters gonna hate. Also don't forget to send me some of you dreams! Hope you have sweet wacky funny dreams Byee!!!

~Savannah<3 xxx

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