Humanity had been judged for its sins,in the form of nuclear missiles,the sinful and righteous had been called to be rendered according to their deeds.And then God forgot about Humanity,then going about his own business,or perhaps,died,and humans were left forever in the dark,hidden from His sight.
Slowly,bit by bit,the Earth became unrecognisable,perhaps this was why God left humanity,mistaking Earth to be some other planet,after all the water had reclaimed its territory and the wildlife becoming different to what He knew.
And the souls of those who die in those wars used to go to heaven or hell,according to what they did.But God,having abandoned humans,they no longer go to either,and their souls wander forever,never resting,the victims of an eternal war.Having little choice because of the greater powers.Falling victim to a war that wasn't theirs.
And those who are reading this,never forget those words,be you dead or alive,or in between,which doesn't matter.The only thing that matters is that you never forget.For neither would you want to die in what was not your war.
HorrorDo not be afraid,know that it will be alright,you will not have the same fate as all those soldiers who die in the war.You will outlive them all.That is,if you aren't claustrophobic....