01: words should be under the word limit. (No exceptions)
02: you should always submit your stories to me in the description of the story.
03: always be original in your stories. Don't steal someone else's.
04: don't make fun of or talk down on to other entrys.
05: story must be fresh and new, not something just on your account randomly.
06: story must be in by the deadline. Usually a deadline will be 3 weeks to 1 month.
07: must include my name in the title and in the story so I can see your story better.
08: two entries per person unless the contests gets over crowded.
09: make sure to check your grammar, vocabulary, and etc.
10: need a minimum of 10 entries. If I don't have 10 entries by the first week the contest will be put on hold and or deleted if you are really interested in that specific contest ,then spread the word.