Tomboy-NiallHoran FanFiction

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I shrieked as my best friend, Cameron pushed me off his skate board. I had been going down a steep hill, and he doesn't let people use his board. That's why I did it.

I tumbled to the ground, laughing. I could hear Cameron's deep laughs as well.

"That's what you get for riding my baby!" He screamed like a child.

I sat up, and brushed my blondish-brownish hair out of my face. My palms were bleeding but that was okay, it stung, but didn't hurt at all.

I stood up and chased Cameron down the hill. I had long, powerful legs because I played soccer and hockey all the time. Plus, I was okay at basket ball. Better than the girls on my team though.

"Sam!" Cameron yelled when I pushed him off his board. I scooped it up in my arms and ran, fast. Cameron couldn't keep up with me, and ended up falling in the grass, his black hair tossed everywhere.

I kept running though, and quickly found a tree. I climbed it, about 40 feet high, when I laid the board carefully on a branch that supported it. I snickered to myself as I dropped from the tree, leaving the board.

Cam was slowly trudging towards me, looking frustrated.

I stood by the bottom of the tree, arms crossed, smirk spread happily across my face.

When he seen his precious board wasn't in my hands his eyes widened.


I bit my bottom lip, "I donno.... Looks like Cammy will have to search for it?"

His face turned red and he tackled me to the ground. He threw playful punches, obviously not wanting to hurt me. I threw some back, only tapping him.

This was our kind of relationship. He was like my brother. We went everywhere together, did everything together. I'm a tomboy, definitely. Anything with the word 'girl' in it, I try to avoid. That and 'pink' 'dresses' 'pop music' 'boy bands' and 'boyfriends' .

I'm not a lesbian, but I just really don't want a boy friend. Most boys treat girls horribly, or really girly. That's not my cup of tea.

I rolled on top of him, and pinned Cam down.

His angry eyes bore into mine, as I tried to mock his pouty face.

"Samantha, where is it?" He sounded stern.

"Don't call me Samantha. Sam please" I insisted.

He rolled his green eyes, "whatever! Give it back! Because I swear to god-" he was cut of my a high pitched scream.

I looked to where the piercing sound came from and seen a few teenaged girls screaming their lungs out across the field from where Cam and I were. I got off of Cameron, and watched them. He stood beside me, forgetting about his board.

The girls whipped their hair, and made tears stream down their faces as they swarmed two figures. They were tall, and in all black clothes. I had NO clue as to who they were.

I looked at Cameron, and he just gave me the same look.

I sighed, "whatever. Time to find your board, yeah?"

As he snapped back into reality he gave a angry look. He stormed to the tree and looked up.

"You little brat!" He shouted, containing his laughter.

I smiled at him as he began to climb the tree. When he reached the board he jumped back down to the ground.

He scowled at me, "I gotto go. Lilly needs me for something, she just texted me while I was up there. I get really good reception up there, y'know?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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