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All I see are red and blue lights everywhere. I can feel my body being lifted up and taken away, but where?

"Malia!" I hear a faint yell and turn my head, I only saw a blurry figue of someone with long brunette hair. That's the last thing I see before I go unconscious.

There's bright lights everywhere, I can't open my eyes. I squint and look around, I'm in a white room, the hospital. The beeping noise was loud and annoying, it was making my head pound even more, but I shrug it off and look at my hands.

They were bruised up and red, I can tell there was blood too because my knuckles are stained red.

What the fuck happened? Why am I here? I see a button next to me that says 'push button for help' I'm about to push it when I see a doctor come on.

"Nice to see your up Miss. LaMont. How do you feel?" He asks as he checks his clipboard. He looked to be in his late 20's, he's pretty young.

I touch my head and I feel pressure on my head.

"I-I feel okay, I guess" I say as I remove my hand from my head.

He chuckles a bit and scribbles information on his board and I look up at the ceiling.

"Do you know why you're here?" He asks me as he takes out a light to check my eyes.

I shake my head and he nods as he proceeds to check minor things.

"You were brough in here because you were in a fight. You may feel some pressure due to the fact that we had to stitch up your head, but other than that, you should be fine and released tomorrow night" He says with a slight smile.

"C-can I talk to my family please?" I ask him. I needed to know more other than the fact that I got in a fight.

He nods and leaves the room and the first person I see is Avery.

"Hi" I said with a smile. She smiles and hugs me and I hug her back.

"How are you feeling?" She asks as I try to sit up, but it hurts to sit up so I just lay back down.

"Like shit, I can't sit down, my head hurts, and it feels like it's gonna fucking explode"

"Good to know" Avery says with a chuckle. I glare at her and it only makes her laugh.

"Avery, who did I fight?" I ask, her smile disappeared and her mood went serious.

"Angelina" I look at her with wide eyes and she nods her head.

That's when it all comes to me, I left Camerons house because she called me.

I get little flashback of her grabbing the wrench and hitting me with it, then when she slammed my head up against the window.

"Where is she?" I ask as I grip the light pastel colored sheets.

"She's having an emergency C-Section right now" Avery looks at me as my jaw drops.

"What did the doctors say?"

"They say she'll be fine, but she was doing things that she wasnt supposed to do, so the baby might not make it"

My heart aches when I hear those words. I remember not hitting her anywhere near her stomach, for that exact reason. I may hate her, but I didn't hate the baby.

"Oh my god, what if I killed her baby Avery!" I begin to panic as I feel the tears begin to fall down my face.

"Malia, you didn't kill the baby. There was no indication that you hit her stomach or anything. If anything, she killed the baby. She knew she wasn't supposed to be moving around much, yet she decides to go and try to fight you." Avery says as she looks me straight in the eyes.

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