It's not easy being a 17 year old rockstar when you go to public school chapter 1

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I sat down on the couch across from my mother in the penthouse suite we were staying in currently. I took a deep breath and looked straight into her eyes.

"I want to go back to New York." I told her.

She choked on her lemon ice tea and I was almost temped to go over there and pat her on the back. When she finally recovered, she looked at me with shock shown all over her face.

"Are you crazy? Why in the world would you want to go back there?" I sat there and shook my head; I knew she was going to react like this.

"Because, it's my home, I want to finish high school there, just because I'm a singer now, do esn't mean I'm better than any of my friends that I left back in New York, I'm going to go anyways, It would be better if I had you're support."

My mom stood up in shock and anger, "You are not going anywhere Hayley Mary-Anne Shaffer! Not without my permission, and I do not give you permission to go back to New York."

My eyes glazed over in anger, she had nothing, and I had all the money and the fame, not her. I stood up and walked passed her, pausing with my hand on the door knob,

"Bye mom." I said softly.

I left the penthouse without a second glance, she wouldn't chase me, my mom never cared for me much anyways, but as soon as I signed with Perfect records; she was the perfect mom again, of course I knew she only wanted my money and part of the fame, which is exactly why I didn't give it to her. A couple hours later I ended up on one of my private jets, and I was going back to my real home; New York City. I sighed; as the buildings got familiar, and I started to recognize that I was back home. I looked out my window and took in the familiar setting of the city, the people, and the smoke.

I smiled; remembering how good it felt to be home. During my tour, I got home sick. I had told my manager that I would be taking time of to come back to New York and finish my senior year of high school. She didn't mind seeing how there was only a couple of week's left of the tour, and I'd already brought in millions. My breaking point was when my father died, he told me he used to love to hear me sing, he even said I was singing before I was talking. When he died; it was bad; really bad. And I got inspired; singing was the only thing20I had left of my dad, so I decided to use it. I started to write lyrics, got some gigs in bars and coffee shops, and then I got signed. The rest is history. And this is where, my story really begins.

When I got off the plane, there was a car waiting for me, ready to take me to my sister's house, I bought it for her, for her sweet sixteen, because I wouldn't want to live with my mother, and that's when my mother came out to L.A to try and take control of my life, I don't think so.? Pulling out of my thoughts, I realized we were pulling into the driveway, bracing myself I got out the car and started up the path to the house as my driver carried my bags while I had my carry on. Taking deep breaths I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

After a few minutes when I didn't hear a response I knocked again.

"Coming!" I heard the fam iliar voice of my sister.

I e-mailed her, but never told her I was coming. She opened the door, as soon as she saw me, her eyes widened and then she grinned.

"Hayley!" she screamed, throwing herself at me. I caught her in a hug.

"I missed you Harmony." I told her.

"Don't ever leave me for that long again!" she practically screamed at me.

I smiled. "I won't, I promise."

She eyed me skeptically, "You better not." She said, before I could respond she spoke again. "I really missed you." She told me. I stepped over the threshold, my arm around my sister. "I missed you too."

After answering Harmony's endless questions about me going on tour and who'd I met and who I toured with and if they were cute and such,?we ended up in the big basement, sitting on the comfy carpet together.

"So, you're coming back to finish you're senior year?" I nodded. "I missed New York, I mean the bullet for valentine and avenged sevenfold are like brothers to me but they can never take the place of my real family." I smiled at her, pulling her closer.

"WHAT!" Harmony screamed, " you didn't tell me you were THAT close to avenged and the bullet boys!"

I shrugged and smirked. "Oops." I said with a smile and a shrug.

She sent me a playful glare, before picking up the remote and turning on the TV, it was E! News, I rolled my eyes, seeing my picture as there top story.

"It is heard that Hayley Shaffer, has cancelled the rest of her tour to moved back to her hometown and get ready to finish her high school years, the bands she was touring with are very supportive, as were her fans."

I rolled my eyes; they're really putting on a show here. "We have Ryan in California, where her last show of this tour was suppose to be played, take it away Ryan."

It switched to Ryan standing with bullet for my valentine and avenged sevenfold. I smiled, seeing them all.

"I'm here with Bullet for my Valentine, and avenged sevenfold." The reporter said. He turned to the bands. "Everyone wants to know what it was like touring with a 17 year old rock star? How was it?"

" It was absolutely amazing. She's like no one I've ever met. I could tell you know she's the only girl, only PERSON I know who's able to calm down Jimmy when he cracked up on sugar" Brian said causing everyone to laugh.

" We loved touring with her. You guys might think we'd think it was an honor for her to be touring with us. But it's the complete opposite. We were honored to be able to be the first person to tour with a person who was able to make a name for herself so young" Matt Tuck said.

"Yupp. She will always be like a sister to us" Matt sander said

" Yea" the rest of them agreed

"Wow. I would have never thought you guys felt like that" Ryan said " What was the funniest thing that happened on tour with Hayley?

"I would definitely have to say when we had went shopping for a gift for Jimmy's wife niece" Jason started " Hayley had said we should try hot topics, When we entered she completely disappeared. Not five minutes later we had this girl in a hoodie that was hiding her face. She came up to us and started rambling about how she loved us and how she had a shrine and voodoo doll of Matt and Brian. I swear they looked liked they were about to piss their pants. Then the girl started laughing she pulled down her hood and the red wig of to reveal a laughing Hayley.Matt and Brian looked like they wanted to kill her on the spot"

I laughed at the memory. I heard my song Breathe, I looked down and saw that my sister's cell phone ringed, I grinned at her ring tone.

"Shut up." She told me before answering.

I heard hushed talking, and then she shut her phone, shock was still all over her face from the news, but then a new emotion came over her face, it was kind of funny.

"How do you feel about a party tonight?" she asked me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2009 ⏰

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It's not easy being a 17 year old rockstar when you go to public school chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now