And You Are?

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Above is Scarlets (bad girl) outfit.

Blair's (good girl) POV

I step into the crowded hallways of my new school. I assume the bell had just rang because kids were crowding towards there lockers and all joining there group of friends. I hated moving my parents always picked the worse possible time to make me move. I was 16 had brown hair and big sad brown eyes. I had good curves and I had a big heart. I was sassy yes but only when I needed to be. Some of it stay on my good side. The whole fight me kind of thing wasn't my style. I was just me. My mom had finished the paper work and I was given my schedule. I had already missed 1st & 2nd period so it was on to my 3rd.

I walk into the classroom and scan the room for an empty seat. A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes waves me over. "Hi I'm Julia" she smiled. "I'm Blair" I added taking a seat. "So your new here?" She asked. "Yep just moved from Hawaii" I smiled. I was proud of where I came from. "Omg that's so cool, do u think we could visit there someday?" She perked up. "Yes totally" I flashed her a smile. We exchanged numbers and just kept talking. "You should come with me during free period so we can talk to the coaches and clubs to get you in" she smiled once more. "Yes sounds fun but um I have a question" I said. "Are there populars and no populars?" I asked. At my old school there was and I was not gonna fall under the nerd category. "Yes and then there's" the bell rang. About 1 minute later a group of kids wearing black and green walked in and sat I'm the back being loud. Soon followed a girl with bleach blonde hair and muddy green eyes. You could tell she was the main. She walked past my desk and made all my books fall to the ground. "Don't, there no good" Julia said helping me pick up my books. "Oops you dropped something" the unknown girl smirked.

I couldn't help it I stood up and faced her dead on. "Watch were your going next time" I hissed not realizing my knuckles turning red. "Oh yea? Is little miss perky bitch gonna hit me?" She asked. I swear she was taunting me smiling at me so evil. "Only if I have to" I crossed my arms and stood my ground. "I dare you" she said stepping closer her breath was on my neck. "Don't dare me unless you want it don't" I smiled. "Ladies take your seats" a voice said I'm guessing was the teacher. "That was bad ass" Julia laughed giving me a high five. "Yes well good thing it ended i can't fight worth shit" I giggled. The class went by in a blur and so did 4th and 5th until it was free period.

Scarlets POV

"Did you hear there's a new girl" Jace (one of my group) said. "I heard shes hot" another one said. "Yea well don't get to excited, I doubt she's like us" I smirked back hearing the bell go off. I didn't care. We didn't care. If the bell didn't tell us when to leave then it didn't tell us when to arrive. We walked into the classroom. And I instantly recognized the new face. She saw me to. She seemed to be examining me like she was trying to solve a puzzle. She was sitting next to Julia. "See I told u" I scowled under my breath to my friends. I was the only girl which made it weird sometimes but these guys always had my back. "Shes still hot" I heard someone say.

I walked past her desk and knocked her books over trying to start something I was just in a mood to argue and knowing her she would step down. She began picking them up and I saw her knuckles turn white. Julia was whispering something but it was no use. "Oops you dropped something" I smirked challenging her. "Watch where your going next time",she hissed. Brave little one but not brave enough. I hears the guys began whispering. "Oh yea? Is a little miss perky bitch gonna hit me?" I asked. Wanting her to. But I was intrigued by I felt drawn to her. "Only if I have to" she said crossing her arms. This was new. She was standing her ground I liked that. "I dare you" I hissed back. Surely she would stand down now. I sent my friends a smile. "Don't dare me unless you want me to do it" she snapped. Then the fucking teach interrupted our little quarrel. We took our seats. "Are you sure she's not one of us?" Josh asked. "Not yet but she will he" I smirked.

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