The Unknown

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"I got it" I say tossing the bag over my shoulder into the bed of the truck and gripping Jace's wrist pulling myself up. "Did I ever tell you why I liked you so much?" Scarlet questioned not making eye contact. "Nope not that I know of" I sigh buckling up. "Good" she sputts out and the car is switched on as the attempts of conversation are cut off. 

"Where are we going" I question glancing at the time once again. "Where do you wanna go little one?" she finally acknowledges. I smile and reach over the seat typing in an address on the GPS. "Thats it" she questions as it loads. "Don't knock it till you try it" I say leaning back in the seat. I began shivering and Jace shuffles his jacket to my side of the truck for me to use. I softly whisper thank you. Finally the truck stops in the designated area and i leap out putting the tailgate down. "What do we do now?" Kol questions as the sun begins setting. "Lay down, look up, and get lost" I say nudging in between Josh and Jace. 

The sun finally sunk beneath the clouds and the yellow and orange haze had faded from the horizon. A crescent moon fills the sky above and soon stars follow. Soon the sky is our only source of light and thats when the shooting stars take place. "What are those?" Jace questions. "Just make a wish" I whisper into his ear snuggling into his shoulder. "This is nice Blair" Scarlet hummed. "My dad took me out here all the time" I smiled. Josh scooted closer to me and engulfed me in his warmth. Soon the night was to dark to escape and my eyes grew heavy with exhaustion. I buried into something warmth and let sleep take control. I never woke up until the next morning. 

I feel someone stroking my hair and instantly I regret opening my eyes. Im snuggled into Jace as his hands outline my forehead relaxing me to go back to sleep. I glimpse up to see his eyes steadily closed. I creep out from his grasp and follow the smell of coffee into the kitchen. "Why good morning beautiful" Josh hands me a cup of coffee and I hear Scarlet snickering. There's a loud knock on the door followed by a slim crimson black haired chick walking past into Jace's room. "Who is that?" I whisper into Scarlet's ear. "That my darling is Jace fuck buddy. I told you he's a fuckboy" she murmured. "oh..." i trail off getting lost in the aroma of coffee. "For real though Blair last night was beautiful" Scarlet said. "I figured you would like it" I smile. For a second, just a second i saw the night reflecting in her eyes. No more than the night. Light. She did have light in her. 



{First off if you have my other story's in your library this is probably like the 4th notification you have gotten from me lol. #sorrynotsorry. ANYWAYS! Hope you all enjoy this chapter. I already have ideas and layouts for the upcoming chapters I just have to add words to them lol. Until next time, 



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