popping balloons

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people are like balloons. if you apply too much pressure, they pop.

meet sarah. a typical day for her includes two things; a draining lecture from her over controlling parents, and books. lots of books. having her every move being thoroughly watched she has no choice but to exemplify perfection at all times. she has to be the perfect daughter for her parents and nothing less. everything was already decided for her - her school, her job, her life, even who she loved. too bad that one is causing a bit of a problem.

meet marcus. he's the loving boyfriend of amelia crench - also known by most of their high school population as a complete bitch. despite amelia's constant nagging, complaining, and cheating, marcus continues to bend over backwards to make her happy. he buys her beautiful presents, he takes her on expensive dates, he remains completely faithful to her - even though she isn't faithful to him - but still, it's not enough for amelia. it never was.

lastly, meet spencer. held up highly by his football peers, he could be classified as what many teen novels describe as - the school jock. he's expected to be cocky, self-centered, and completely inconsiderate, and he is. but as time goes on he begins to defy these expectations of himself and questions his feelings towards his girlfriend - and his sexuality.

follow the story of these three teens and how they eventually, pop.


dedicated to moons_ because she inspired me to write outside of the world of cliches and high school. c:

i came up with this idea while i was on a walk. It's completely undeveloped and kinda of a writing excerise thing. i'll be trying to update it everyday. so yeah. that's pretty much all i have to say. vommit and choke if you like. (comment and vote) this is pg-13 because of language and mentions of sex. also, do not steal my story. please.

popping balloonsWhere stories live. Discover now