The Mechanical Man and the Familiar Stranger

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~Hello everyone! This is my first fanfic on Wattpad so let me know if it's bad or not haha. I hope you enjoy the story and if you do make sure you vote, comment, or whatever if you want!~


"This time it was the angels. Like the statues you find in your garden except more vicious-looking I suppose."

"And what are these angels doing?"

"I don't know, chasing me I think."

"So they move?"

"No. Well, yes but-I don't know it's complicated. All I know is that every time I see them, I get this horrible sense of terror. But the weirdest part is the voice I always hear. 'Don't blink. Whatever you do, don't. blink." relentlessly in my head."

"And these occurrences started back when again?"

"Right when I move here to London for college."

"And you've been taking your medication, is that right Miss Vincit?"

"Yeah, I've taken every freaking pill you've given me and guess what? Not helping much."

Alright, Bryarly I think this concludes our session. I'll see you in about a month."

"Thank so much for your enlightening advice Dr. Walter." I say to my glasses-wearing, mono-tone voiced pyschiatrist as I walk out of his office to my car. I sigh and bang my head against the steering wheel. Why do I even bother?

When I was eight they thought all all it was was an overactive imagination. That's why I drew pictures of disturbing angel statues, some with there stone faces covered by there hands as if they were crying, others reaching out with finger-like claws, and terribly sharp teeth bared, and the odd gold robotic faces with glowing eyes. When I was thirteen they believed I was showing early signs of Schizophrenia because I would apparently tell my parents that a strange space-pilot was talking to me about a ship called the Nova Magna. Let's just say that's when the medication started. I can't tell you how many physchiatrist's I've gone to and none of them know what's wrong with me. The only reason I decided to get "help" were the nightmares. They kept me up all night and I haven't been focusing on my studies for weeks. I take a deep breath as I pull into the school university parking lot. Stop thinking so hard Bry, you're giving yourself another migraine . I think as I pull a bottle of painkillers out of the glove-box. I have a feeling this isn't going to be a good day.


"Good morning. Miss Vincit." I hear my English Studies professor say as I pass him in a hurry on my way to the lecture hall. The appointment and my terrible driving caused me to be a good twenty minutes late.

"If you say so." I mumble to him with a weak smile. Suddenly as I walk by he grabs my arm harshly.

"Is there something the matter?" I don't know whether it was his robotic voice, relentless smile that seems never to falter, or his milky eyes, but Proffesor Avore seriously creeped me out. Why wasn't he teaching classes, anyways?

"Uh, no sir, I've just got a bit of a headache." I tell him quickly, and his smile seemed to to grow wider if that was even possible.

"Why don't you step into my classroom for a moment, I can get you something for you that." I don't have much of a choice considering he still has a tight grip on my wrist. The professor pulls into the room and shuts the door. He turns his back to me and looks for something in his desk. I look around confused, where we all the students?

"Um, excuse me for asking sir, but where's your class?" I tap my foot anxiously. I had a bad feeling stirring inside me.

"Why it was the strangest thing Miss Vincit." Suddenly his whole body goes rigid and when he slowly turns my way, I drop my books in shock. Professor Aveore's eyes were glowing white."None of them showed." What he did next almost made me sick. With his right hand he grabbed the skin on his neck and pulled it off, along with his face and balding head of hair. I grabbed the edge of the desk I was standing next to for support. Underneath was the gold, whirring gears and metal face of the robotic monsters from my dreams.

"Compatible DNA registered: Subject detected and ready for boarding." The thing said in a mixture of robotic engine noises and human voice. Suddenly it lifted it's arm and a extremely large, extremely sharp needle came protruding from it.

"Preparing for stimulation in 3, 2-" That's when a scream ripped through my throat and I ran pushing the door open as fast as I could. The things from my head were real. They were real! I've been going to half-ass, money hungry '"professionals" for twenty years for this? I'm so lost in my own thought that-SLAM-i run head-first into someone, and then I feel my body make contact with the cold tile, my head head hitting the ground hard.

"Oh, I am terribly sorry Miss!" A odd man forms hazily above me with long brown hair, wearing a tweed jacket, red bowtie, suspenders, that a fez? "Are there any sprained bones or broken muscles?" He asks helping me up. When my vision focuses I realize for some reason this man looked familiar in a way. He had those eyes that were kind but looked as if they had seen years of tragedy and loneliness.

"No, nothing like that. Just bonked my head a little." I tell him, cradling the back of my skull. He looks at me curiously, then something must have dawned on him because his eyes grew wide and he started jumping up and down like a giddy child on Christmas.

"You must be-" He starts to say but I stop him in his tracks, pulling him to the ground.

"DUCK!" I yell shoving him and myself down as a spinning gold disc flys right where our heads were. I look ahead and see the mechanical man, all his skin now completely shed.

"Incompatible DNA detected. All possible threats must be eliminated.'' It says and it's stomach opens up and sends another flying mechanism our way.

"Careful!" The stranger shouts and pushes me sideways. "Stand back Bryarly!" He says putting an arm in front of me. Wait a moment, how does he know my name?

"Do-do I know you?" I ask him as we dodge another disc.

"I don't know about that, but I know you, Bryarly Vincit. Just call me the Doctor."

"Doctor?" I ask in confusion "Doctor who?' He turns toward me, a gigantic smile spread across his face and says,

"Oh, I love it when they do that!"

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