My secret admirer

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Hello, every one :)

this story is one that I made when  I was daydreaming. It's the first that I had the guts to show someone. There are lots of spelling errors, please bear in mind that English is my third language so my grasp of it is not complete.

Please read and vote. I'd like some feedback too :)

Post your question to me too and I will do my best to answer them.


PS: I haven't named my characters yet so I would like som suggestions please

He remembered all those days through school, a little girl’s admiration, her puppy eyes look whenever she followed him which was always, the little offerings he found left on his desk at school, a red ribbon, a crushed flower, an apple or even a pretty pebble. And high school, those days were unforgettable, cookies wrapped in a lilac smelling handkerchief, an occasional unsigned love letter and also looks so full of longing and adoration that it was transparent who sent them. So, he ignored those looks, ate those cookies and pretended not to know who sent them. Who knew that only in a few months, she would become the reason of his every happiness and sorrow, his world and his every desire in life. So he had gone out with his friends and ignored her, didn’t talk to her unless it was to pass papers or a rubber or a note a friend, she would blush and light up like a candle and wordlessly pass the papers along.

He found her pathetic and she also made him uncomfortable. Then he remember those dark days when his parents fought and he couldn’t get sleep at night, he would go to the rooftop at school and sleep there, waking up he would find a drink and note beside it that always made him smile. He didn’t know who put them there but he suspected that his little stalker did. It made him resentful to know that he was so easily readable to her but he was not one to reject food so he always took her little offerings which was delicious as always.

Finally his parents divorced, running away to school seemed like a good idea. He went to the rooftop after initiating a fight with a friend; he climbed those stairs with a foul mood and a hopeless gait and tears falling. She was there…..

Ringing her hands nervously, looking left and right before walking towards him with shaky legs. Looking at his face, she asked “what’s wrong? Do u hurt anywhere?”

Looking into her worried eyes, he drank the concern he saw there and hugged her to him, he cried for his parents, for all those hopeless dreams he built for the three of them, for the Christmases that they will never be together and lastly for himself for believing in them. All the while she stroked his pain away, making nonsensical noises made to sooth; she patted his back, combed her fingers through his hair and hugged him tight, until he fell into an exhausted sleep. He woke up to find her gone but in her place there was a drink and a note that said “in every ending there is a new beginning”.

At the end of the day, she confronted him again in a private corner at the school, she told him “I now that this is not the right time, but I have something to tell u. I wanted to tell you this morning but I forgot when I saw………. I can’t keep it within my heart any longer”

He felt the dread creeping into his heart, his body tensed and he opened his mouth to dismiss her but she kept going on.

“I love you, I have loved you since we were little, I just wanted to let you know that no matter where you are, u can always reach out to me and I’ll hold your hand, I want u to know that u are not lonely. U don’t have to reply or anything, I am content with the way things are”

She reached up with her hand and he panicked, He slapped her hand away and raised his voice “ Who the hell do u think you are, do u really think that just because of a moment of weakness I would have feelings for u, leave me alone, I have a girlfriend already and she is far more attractive than u, little girl”

My secret admirerWhere stories live. Discover now