The Beginning Of...The End?

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Nico PVP

Nico was, as usual, hanging out with Leo. Ever sense him and Leo started dating he found him self thinking less and less of Tartarus. Dang it, Nico! Too late, he realized his mistake. Every time he thinks of that place he gets flashbacks,and when they're over, Leo gets really worried about him and he didn't want to worry him to much, even though Leo was adorable when he was worried.


He was sitting there on the ground, the empousi were closing in and he was too stunned and...fine, he'll admit it, scared, to do anything, then just as the empousi were about to rip him to shreds and feast on him. Just when he thought that he would die, thinking no one loves him, a figu-

-End Flashback-

When he woke up the first thought that came to his head was, that flashback was a lot sorter than the rest, the second was, where's Leo?, and the last was, where am I?. He was surprised that Leo wasn't there because every time he woke up from a flashback, Leo was there, not wanting to miss it when Nico woke up. Nico got up and decided to go find Leo, then he looked around and realized, he was in the infirmary, which worried Nico even more because if his condition was serious enough to go to the infirmary, then Leo would've refused to leave his side. Because of this, Nico started to have doubts about their relationship, especially because he still refused to let the others know.

Leo's PVP

Leo was worried sick. The doctors at the infirmary forced him to get out saying it would help them a lot if he wasn't always hovering over Nico. When they had told him this he just said, "Well I'm sorry if I'm scared to death for him! Oh,wait, no I'm not!". When they finally got him out he wouldn't go any further away from the building than he had to so he just sat right next to the door. He finally got so tired he drifted into dreams.

Author's Note: Sorry Leo's PVP was so short, I've been having splitting migraines lately. But I promise that I'll try to make it a little longer next time.

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