Vampire Facts

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Vampire Facts

 Since vampires are FICTIONAL characters, a writer does have certain liberties with the parameters they set for these characters.  That said, I’m NOT a member of the “School for Fluffy Vampires.”  No matter what else they may be, they’re still vampires.  They are not cuddly bunnies.  Not everyone will agree with the list I’ve created, and that’s OK.  There’s plenty of room for all of us in the writing world.  With this in mind, these are the parameters I’ve chosen to set for MY characters.  Enjoy!

Vampires drink blood.  That’s what makes them vampires.  We could get into all sorts of scientific reasons why they require blood to survive, but the bottom line is this:  Vampires drink blood.

Human bodies make blood.  If we can agree for the moment that fact #1 is true, humans should be squeamish around vampires.  It’s normal to be afraid of creatures that look at you as a possible food source.

Animals make blood.  Again, if fact #1 is true, animals should also be nervous around vampires and all carnivores in general…and they are!  Deer, squirrels, woodchucks, all wild animals in general don’t like creatures that look at them as a food source.

If facts #1-2 are true, then vampires are probably NOT the best choice for dating material.  Sure they may claim that they ONLY drink from animals, or get their blood from a blood bank, but if they’re over a hundred, do you really believe that they’ve NEVER drank from a human source?  Seriously?  Blood banks are a relatively new invention and synthetic blood may sound great on paper, but I don’t even like the taste of diet soda.  I can’t imagine a vampire living off the blood equivalent of drinking diet pop for the rest of their lives.  Dating someone, who sees you as a possible food source, is a very bad idea.

Vampire teeth ripping through flesh tends to leave scars, but their saliva does encourage rapid healing.  A vampire may prefer to use a pocketknife, or some other sharp object, rather than their actual teeth/fangs when feeding off human sources that they SWEAR they never use.  There is less chance of scarring this way, and therefore less chance of detection.

Vampires tend to prefer to hang out with other vampires.  They have the same things in common.  Common interests tend to draw people together.

Vampires can live a long time, a REALLY long time if they’re careful.

Vampires don’t like humans to know of their existence.  No vampire likes to be faced with torches and pitchforks.

An old vampire’s interests could be varied, and extensive, and a bit strange to a modern human.  For example, embroidery work was once considered men’s work.  It would take many years to master the craft.  In this century, it’s considered merely a hobby that is dominated by women.  While these eccentricities may seem charming in the beginning, common interests tend to keep couples together in the long term.

Vampires tend to shy away from new technology.  Depending on their age, they’ve had to learn a LOT of “new” technology over the centuries.  Even the printed word in book form was once considered “new” technology.  Older vampires tend to get frustrated with our modern conveniences.

Older vampires often have trouble adapting because of facts #5 and #8.  The older they get, the easier it is to stay around others who are like themselves and share the same interests as they do.

A vampire may lose track of what is considered fashionable attire.  Most tend to choose well-made pieces that are considered timeless rather than trendy clothing.  Their wardrobes could be monochromatic, all black, all tan, etc.  Jeans and t-shirts are a popular choice for vampires dressing casually.  Suits are also a popular choice for everyday wear.  Hats with broad brims are a necessity as well as long jackets.  Hair is sometimes worn long if it was fashionable when they were turned.

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