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Emily POV

My name's Emily. There's nothing really special about my life.

My family wanted me to be a model to carry on the family name. So, I did become a model. They say I'm a natural at it. Anyways, let's cut to the chase. My boyfriend,John, cheated on me with this chick Aniyah. But, she s not just any chick, she's my former bestfriend. You wanna know why were ex-bestfriends? Here.


"Hey Aniyah, wait up." I said giggling. "Shut up, you're 13, you can handle it." She said giggling too, joking with me like always. "No, I can't. You know I'm a slow runner." I said almost out of breath. "Oh yeah." She said putting her hand on her chin. "You little track runner." I said, trying to catch some breath. "Whatever." She said with a smug grin.

"Hold up, I'll be right back, stay right there." Aniyah said running up the stairs to the building. I was right under where a patio was. Then that's when it happened.


"AHHH!" I screamed.

A whole bunch of water was dumped on my head. I wiped my face and looked up to see who did this. It was Aniyah. With 2 girls behind her, laughing, and calling me insults like: loser, worthless, useless, and the worse one, broken. I recognize those 2 girls as Hannah and Rebecca. They used to be my 5th grade bullies that Aniyah told them to back off of me. Now, she wants to stab me in the back.

"Aniyah, why are you doing this." I shouted.

"Because you got boring and these 2 offered me to be the leader of this new click." She said in a oblivious tone.

"Really, you choose bullies over a real friend." I said shouting betrayed.

"If I have to, then, yeah." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"You know what back-stabber, for now on I hate you." I said with anger laced in my tone.

"Fine." She said shrugging her shoulders again. "Let's go ladies." She said turning around to get out the building.

I flipped my hair off, in front of her. And, drove home.

Flashback Done

Yep, that's pretty much the story between us.

She has now for the last three years, been my mortal enemy. I still have a slither of hope that we'll somehow be friends again, but most of it is I hate her.

Anyways, it's time to be a freshmen at my new school. It's time to be a highschooler. I walk around the hall exploring, when I spot the one and only Queen Aniyah. She stops and smirks. She starts walking towards me. "How'd your summer go loser." She said with her annoyingly high-pitched voice. "Well back-stabber, it went a little like this," I took a breath. "I already got accepted into a college for modeling, and I'm gonna be in commercials for name-brand companys." I said with a smug expression.

"L-Like Victoria's Secret." She said stuttering.

"L-Like Victoria's Secret." I said mocking her.

"Hmph." She said spinning on her heel. Hannah and Rebecca follow her.

'Ugh.' I think.

Ever since John cheated on me, I got a new boyfriend. Everyone has there eyes on me. I'm a model. My new boyfriend's name is Jake. He's the only football player at my school who's not a jerk. I like that kind of guy. Even though I'm a model, doesn't mean I want a jerk as my boyfriend. Like John.

I walk to my new locker and put my stuff in there. As soon as I close my locker, I see Jake. "Hi Jake." I say pecking him on the lips. "Hey babe." He says embracing me into a hug. "What classes do you have?" I ask Jake. "Well, I have First Period: Gym, Second Period: Math, Third Period: Science, Fourth Period: Music, Fifth Period: Art, Sixth Period: Spanish: Level 3, Seventh Period: ELA, And Eighth Period: Football." He says. "I have Sixth Period and Second Period with you." I say pouting. "Why are you upset." He says confused. "I want to have more time with you." I say.

"That's fine, at least we have some time together." He says chuckling at me. "It's not funny." I say crossing my arms having a fake attitude. "Hmph." He says crossing his arms too. I chuckle. "You're funny." I say hitting his arm. "Geez, are you a secret bodybuilder." He said rubbing his arm. "No, but I can beat someone up horribly." I say putting my hands in a position like I'm about to fight. "Woah, okay I'm not going to try to mess with you." He said putting his hands up in defense.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I say laughing a little. "Pssh, okay." He said. I chuckle. "I'll see you later, bye!" I say pecking his cheek. "Bye!" He says while I'm down the hall.

As I walk in the classroom..........

Hey guys!

This is my new cover of Broken Heart.

I guess the original author of it got bored, so she handed it to me.

Bye/ Bai!

This time I didn't spit out nonsense on this part.

P.S: I might make translations of my books. But, that might take a while. Also, check my page lately because I make books with you guys unoticed. So, do that.

By the way, if you want to make books, I suggest listening to music it helps you a little.

I'm listening to: Work by Rihanna, Focus by Ariana Grande, and Flashlight by Jessie J so far.

So, I suggest that.

Bye/ Bai!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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